Chapter 26

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The Avengers were sleepy and irritable, and that was not what Fury  needed right now. He slammed his hand down on the table, hoping to get their adrenaline flowing.

"Alright Avengers! It's time to get serious!"

Fury had a right to be upset. He could sense the tensions rising between players. His perfect team, once a linear, focused body, was fragmenting without a foe to face.

Stark was pissed off at Thor, and Thor was discouraged. The Captain was on the brink of going rogue, and Clint was physically about to crash. And Fury couldn't be certain, but Agent Romanov looked pissed with everyone. It was a pretty kettle of fish he'd been handed. Thankfully Banner knew how to control his emotions.

"Back to square one," Fury muttered.

There was no reaction. They looked half dead.

"Loki escaped." He stated. "There's nothing we can do about that now, and there's no way we can be certain he won't be able to do it again. Our priority right now is to get rid of him. Thor intends to take him to justice in Asgard. We need to make that happen."

He turned to Tony. 

"Stark, I need you and Thor to work quickly. We don't know how long we have before his accomplice reappears. And on that subject-" He looked at Clint, "Was there any sign of her on your watch?"

Clint shot a look at Tony, an unspoken message that he'd seen his conversation last night.

"I did not see the woman anywhere in the building."

Fury nodded. That was a relief at least.

"Sir, I don't think we'll be seeing Loki's accomplice anymore."

Fury glanced at Natasha. "And why is that?"

Natasha sighed. "Can we all just agree to consider it? This woman did not appear until Agatha woke up."

"That's not true," Clint interrupted. "I went through some old tapes. She's been sneaking around for about two months."

"Ever since Agatha was brought in?"

Clint couldn't answer.

"Check on it." Fury ordered. "Better that we be too cautious than too trusting." He nodded to Natasha. "Anything else to add?"

Natasha shrugged. "Loki didn't make a beeline to Agatha's room for no reason. And now that she's gone, the woman is also gone."

Steve glared. "That doesn't prove anything!"

"It proves we need to keep our eyes on the girl." Fury's voice cut. 

Steve lowered his eyes and shook his head. "I find it far more likely that this creature is following Agatha."

Natasha smirked, like she'd won a contest.

"And what would make Agatha that important? By her admission, she's only a normal person."

Tony chuckled. "A normal person who just happened to flip our modern perception of Physics on its head! Yeah, very normal."

Fury fixed his gaze on Tony. "As soon as we are done here I want you to make certain that Agatha is secure."

Tony shrugged it off. "She's in Stark Tower! It's all taken care of."

"The same Stark Tower that Loki broke into without your knowledge?"

The silence reigned.

"Then I would suggest you check right away." Fury turned to Thor. "Do you know of anyone or any creature that this woman could be?"

Thor shook his head. "No strength could have opened those cuffs without harming Loki. She must be a wizard of great power. I do not know any such person."

Fury sighed. "I'll question Loki about it then. Get to work on that machine."

"Can I work with them?"

Fury nodded at Banner's question. "Of course, Doctor. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. Clint, find out when that woman first appeared. And you two-"

He sent pointed glares at Steve and Natasha. "Stop fighting. We're all on the same team. Take your frustration out in the gym if you have to, but cool off. I can't have you acting like children."

He looked around the table at every face. 

"Let's get to work, Avengers."

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