Chapter 12

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Morgan flipped her dark hair over her shoulder and threw the elastic to the side as she strode down the hallway. She didn't need the thing anymore. Her heels clipped sharply as she turned.

She knew where the cameras were, and as soon as she was between them, she opened up a doorway in the air in front of her and stepped through, disappearing from the world. She stood in our world, but outside of it, out of phase with the rest of reality.

A moment after she stepped through a hazmat team passed by her, and the man's shoulder passed right through her arm. Because she was out of phase, they could neither see nor touch her. But she could see them. Slowly she followed them back to the patient's room.

Natasha passed them running one way, and a few minutes later passed them running back, the rest of the Avengers following behind.

Morgan snickered as Fury walked right through her. They were idiots, naïve little children for her to play with. They were so beneath her, she didn't even have to fight them. Their bumbling would not be a problem.

The hazmat team pushed into the room, Morgan behind them. Her eyes narrowed as she saw the captain standing by the bed, and the guard beside the door.

They had assigned security now? This was not helpful. She needed them to leave.

The hazmat team moved against the wall, where the remains of the syringe was shattered, and unloaded the materials to  clean it up.

A few seconds later the captain turned away and fled the room. Morgan stepped up to the bed, standing over the patient. Her eyes looked, but they did not see, and Morgan felt power surge through her as she looked into those blank eyes.

The destroyer of worlds lay before her, utterly helpless, and utterly defenseless. 

"You can't move, can you? You can't figure out why you're here! It's frustrating, isn't it, being so powerless!"

The patient's eyes closed. Morgan shook her head.

"You are within my hand now. Nothing can stop me from taking everything from you. The Avengers are useless protectors. Your power will be mine." Morgan leaned in. "And once you're mine, you'll be mine forever." Her hand glided through the delicate collarbone. "Just a little more, and there will be no going back."

Morgan could have gloated over the patient for several hours, but her mind was pulled away.

"Derek, it isn't soaking into the cloth. What's going on here?"

Derek pulled his radio from his belt and pressed the button.

"Hey Mike? We've got a problem here."

The garbled voice came back through the speaker. 

"What's going on?"

Derek's eyebrows knitted together.

"Um, whatever this is that shattered against the wall, it isn't toxin. It's not reacting with the cleaner."

Morgan turned and took a step toward them. She had forgotten about that. It wouldn't do to let the humans get a sample of her matter. If only she were alone, she could inject it into the patient right now. If she tried it now, she'd be caught.

Morgan raised her hand and a doorway the size of a pinprick opened in front of her. The matter jumped out of its puddle on the floor and flew through the hole into her hand.

It happened so fast the humans didn't notice. The woman finally looked down and jumped back.

"Woah, Derek!"


"Derek, it's gone!"

"What the-"

Morgan pulled the matter into her body and strode out of the room. She needed a way to get the humans out of there long enough for her to inject her matter into the patient. For two months she'd been feeding it into her. It was almost enough. Soon the Galasia would be hers. Forever.

Morgan smiled to herself. She couldn't delay.

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