Part 16

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I sit their in Shanes car and think just a little bit until I hear my name being called. I quickly grabbed all my bags and head inside to Shanes house. Boy was I happy to be home. Or Shanes home. I instantly realize everyone back at the house is probably worried sick about me. I hadn't posted a lot on Instagram so they probably are all worried that something happened to me. Though I doubt one person will really give a shit. And how much I hate to want to see your face or her seeing my face.

I jump on Shane's couch and let out a huge exhale of relief and anxiety from not wanting to go back home. But I know I have to I don't live here. " hey Shane." I called to Shane to tell him where I was going. " I should be heading home my friends are probably worried about me." Shane had a pained look on his face. " are you sure you want to go I bet Andrew will miss you." Shane looks over Andrew who's on the couch literally half asleep. I gave them turn back to look at Shane. I grab myself and say goodbye to Shane. " you should talk to Andrew about everything he's as confused as you are I think you guys would be a cute couple to be honest." I look at Shane with the confused look like I didn't know what he was talking about I fully known what he was talking about.

Getting my car and drive back to David's house are the cars in the driveway to see who's home luckily gabbie wasn't here. Unless she was here and she got a new car. But I highly doubt it. I grabbed my key to the door and I open it seeing the regular faces I always see. I'm sure David had some dumb prank to pull on me after my trip. Or somehow ask me to get on the floor blindfolded and put some gross animal on me but that wasn't the case and said everyone looked normal which was weird since David's house was never normal. " hey guys." Todd looks over at me and smiles weakly. His smile looks like he was forcing it. I went outside kinds of knowing what was going on and why any one of them would be mad at me. So instead I just grab my bags and head to my room. I lay on my soft satin bed and let out the biggest exhale and sigh of relief and anxiety and everything on my mind. The smell of my bed comforting me. I go to the bathroom to maybe take another shower since I never feel. I open my curtains to the shower and see a huge note that writes


I know that handwriting. I know but handwriting all too well. I know her well enough to know that this is just the beginning to a whole load of bullshit.

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