"Allyson!"I yelled sharply and in came her from outside the apartment with mail in her hand.

"Yes?"She said softly while sitting her keys and the mail on the island.

The way the kitchen was made in her apartment was that the kitchen was a wide open space. It had no specific way to walk into. It didn't have doorways. All you had to do was walk around the island to access everything. You could sit on the island and watch tv if you wanted.

I lifted my hand holding the three tests, "You weren't even gonna tell me, were you?"

Her eyes grew wide and she rushed towards me. When she tried to take them from me, I slapped her hand away.

"Why are you snooping around in my bathroom?!"She scolded.

"What the fuck you mean why I'm snooping!? It takes me having to snoop to find out my girlfriend is PREGNANT AND WASN'T GONNA TELL ME! You threw them AWAY!"I said angrily. I was so mad that I could flip tables right now.

"THIS WAS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS."She practically yells and my heart dropped. I jerked my head back.

"Ohhhhh so this is none of my business now??"I lifted my brows. I looked at the tests then at her stomach. When you really look at her belly carefully, it's not as flat as it was before. "My girlfriend is pregnant... with MY child....and it's NONE OF MY BUSINESS? Are you out of your fuckin mind?! Why didn't you tell me?"

"Lauren give me the tests."She said before reaching for them but I slapped hands away for the second time.

"Why didn't you tell me??"I asked again. "How the fuck you gon sit here and take a preg-Excuse me, THREE PREGNANCY TESTS AND NOT FUCKING TELL ME???!!! You don't do shit like this, get results that you ARE in fact pregnant, and NOT TELL ME."

I was livid, my face felt hot and so did my body.

"Lauren GIVE ME THE TEST."She claps her hands together and reaches for them again but fails. "I was gonna tell you, eventually."

I knew she was lying.

"You're a fucking liar."I pointed at her. "You never had intentions on telling me let alone me finding out. I mean, look! You threw 'em AWAY. That goes to show that you wasn't gonna ever tell me shit."

She rolled her eyes.

"So are you pregnant? Because one says you're not."I ask wile looking at the one that said not pregnant.

She sighs and placed her hands on her hips. "I missed my period. So yes, Lauren. I am pregnant."

Hearing her say that felt differently than it did reading that she was. My heart dropped again.

"Why in the hell didn't you tell me that you took three tests and two out the three came back positive?"I said as calm as I knew how. I was legit 38 hot with her. I was SO pissed off.

She avoided looking at me.

"What?"I shrugged. "Is it not by me?"

"Of course it's by you, Lauren."She frowned and cut he eyes at me. "Who the hell else?!"

"Hell I don't fucking know thats why I'm tryna figure out why you hiding shit from me!"I threw my hands in the air.

"Are you calling me a hoe?"She frowned again.

"No but if the baby is mine, why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?"I asked. "How long has it been since you took the tests??"

She hesitates.

"Tell me!"I rush her. "Stop sitting here playing the quiet game like you don't hear me talking to you! How long has it been?"

"Two days."She sighs out and looks at the floor.

Blunt Love | AlrenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin