Oneshot #16: Breaking the News

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All of the characters featured in the following fanfiction belong to Aphmau on YouTube. This is in no way canon to the original story. Please support the original creator. Enjoy!
Zane was overjoyed when he found out.
"Hey Zane, could you put something in the oven for me while I chop up these onions?" Nana had asked him sweetly. Zane, of course, complied to her request. He was halfway through to putting the potatoes in the oven when he realized that there was something already inside.
"Nana, there's a.. cupcake in the oven?"
"Sorry, I didn't have any buns."
Zane froze. Her words replayed in his mind.
Bun.. cupcake.. in the.. oven?
She's pregnant?
The thought process lasted for about 15 seconds, though it seemed much longer for Zane. It felt as if the world had stopped; when he met her eyes welling up with tears, he scooped her up into the biggest hug he could muster.
"You're pregnant? I-I just, I can't believe it!" Zane exclaimed, tears of joy threatening to roll down his cheeks. Nana giggled, rubbing her stomach. "I'm 2 weeks along," She whispered, and Zane smiled, pecking her on the forehead. "We're going to be parents," Nana said aloud, the thought finally setting in her mind. Zane's mind, however, was elsewhere.
"How in Irene are we going to tell the street?" Zane exclaimed, smiling nervously. Nana's eyes went wide as she pictured Aphmau taking way too many pre-baby pregnancy photos. "I didn't honestly think about that," Nana fidgeted, twiddling her thumbs. "Maybe we just tell them straight out? Or should it be clever?"
Zane thought for a moment, before his face lit up. "I think I have an idea.."
And so the couple was walking to their first victims house; Garroth and Laurence's residence. Zane thought it was only fair to break the news to his family first, since Nana's family lived on the other side of town. Nana agreed, taking Zane's hand as they walked down the sidewalk.
"What's this brilliant idea of yours, Mr. Ro'Meave?"
"You'll just have to wait and see.. follow my lead."
Garroth opened the door almost immediately, his face flushed as Laurence grabbed his arm from beside him. "Hey! Baby Brother, Kawaii~Chan! Come in!" The blonde male beckoned them inside, and Zane took their coats to the closet before sitting them all down at the dining table. Garroth looked puzzled for a moment, but shook his head, dismissing his thoughts. Laurence was the first to speak.
"What do you want, emo?" He teased, leaning his head onto his hand. The table shared a laugh, and Zane smiled at Laurence. "I don't necessarily want anything.. but I did want to give you something."
Nana listened intently, curious on where her husband was leading them.
"How would you two like a promotion to being Uncles?" Zane finally finished, smiling victoriously as Garroth let out a cry of happiness. "Kawaii~Chan? You're pregnant? Oh my Irene, I'm so happy for you two!" The older blonde pulled the couple into a tight hug, kissing them both on the cheek. "Woah, that's going to be one crazy kid.. think about it; a pastel-goth? Still pretty adorable though! Congratulations!" Laurence exclaimed, smiling brightly. Zane and Kawaii~Chan thanked them, before leaving for their next house on the block.
Next up; Aaron and Aphmau.
Nana was particularly excited about breaking the news to her favorite ship, squealing along the sidewalk about how the kids could be like cousins, or very close friends like their parents. Zane just chuckled, kissing her hand when Nana took his.
"Are we doing the same kind of reveal?" Nana asked, looking up at Zane. Zane laughed lowly.
"Oh Irene no. I've got something special for those two.."
Aaron and Aphmau were preparing tea for the couple, teasing them about how 'Zane~chan was their OTP.' Nana and Zane blushed, still self conscious of their teasing despite being married. When the tea was finished brewing, Zane waltzed into the kitchen with Kawaii~Chan in tow.
"Hey, we actually needed to tell you guys something important," Zane began, pretending to look nervous. "It's just.. well.. we aren't sure how you're going to take it."
Nana knew just what Zane was up to. He was going to make them think it was sad news, until breaking that she was pregnant. It was perfect; so very Zane like.
"Zane, we know what it's like to have relationship troubles.. you can talk to us," Aphmau consoled them, placing her hand Zane's shoulder. Nana looked at Zane sadly, an exaggerated fake frown stretched across her face. "Can I tell them, Babe?" She asked, her eyes glinting with mischief. Zane nodded.
"I'm pregnant!" Nana exclaimed, smiling. "You actually had us worried for a second! Don't do that again!" Aaron cried, as Aphmau exploded into squealing and joyful tears. Little Alena awoke from all of the noise, and toddled into the kitchen from her nap.
"Momma," The toddler grumbled, clutching her blanket. "What's going on?" Her speech was improving, Zane noted, but Alena's o's and h's were slurred. "Sweetie, you're Auntie Kawaii~Chan is going to have a baby!" Aphmau whispered, guiding her daughter towards them. Kawaii~Chan got down on her knees to meet Alena's level. "You're really smart! You keep getting bigger!"
Alena smiled, giggling as she gave Kawaii~Chan a hug. Zane chuckled as the Meif'wa guided Alena's hands to her stomach, explaining how that was where her baby was. Alena looked at her in fascination. "Baby.. in tummy?"
The couple then said their goodbyes, and left for their final location.
Travis and Katelyn were running around the house when Zane and Kawaii~Chan arrived. Trevor was being fed by Katelyn whilst she was simultaneously vacuuming the floor, while Travis was picking up Trevor's toys and books that he left scattered all over the floor. Zane laughed audibly at the sight before them. "We'll be quick," Kawaii~Chan explained to Katelyn, who turned off her vacuum in order to hear them better. Travis listened from the other room as Zane began his speech.
"We've been thinking, is there any way you could lend us some pregnancy shirts from when you were pregnant with Trevor?"
"Because I'm pregnant, Katelyn!" Nana finished, unable to hold in the news anymore. Travis came bolting into the room.
"Hold up, what now? You mean Zane actually got somebody under the sheets and didn't mess it up? Props man," Travis joked, slapping Zane on the back. Zane stiffened, narrowing his eyes at the white-haired male, before cracking a small smile. "Thanks?" Zane managed to get out, taking his wife's hand. "We'll leave you to your duties."
Yes, the new Ro'Meave family was in for a wild ride. One full of diapers, bottles, and toys. But for some reason.. they didn't mind. Their love for their new child was bigger than any other obstacle.
Ah! 1159 Words! Yikes. That was a long one. I'd like to apologize for any awkward or rushed parts, it's late at night when I'm writing this and I'm actually quite tired 💤... good night! Or good morning? Or afternoon? Whatever, just have a good day my lovely readers! I hope you enjoyed! 💓

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