Gross Love Triangle

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"Do you think this sort of behavior is appropriate?" Principal Wright's harsh tone made me cringe and sink further into the leather seat across from him. His office was dark and cold, all leather and metals. The harsh tones seemed to match his scowling face.

"No, I don't. And I'm sorry," I said, intending to stop there. But surprise surprise, some higher power had other ideas. "But you should know that Mr. Brine has been picking on me ever since I showed up late to his class one time. And that was because my locker was jammed, but he wasn't sympathetic about it to say the least. The second time— which was the only other time I came in late— he deducted ten points from my grade. I always turn in assignments on time, and I've kept my grade at an A all year despite him always singling me out."

His mouth opened and closed and he shook his head, looking like he wasn't believing what he was hearing. "Is that true?"

I nodded. "My temper got the best of me and I should've come to you first, but I just sort of had enough and blew up at him."

Wright's brow softened as he leaned back in his chair, a sigh escaping him as he removed his glasses, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You're Edward and Sadie's daughter, right?"

"Um, yeah," I answered, caught off guard by the question.

"Well, that explains that," he said, putting the dark frames back on and sitting forward. He hardly resembled the angry version of himself I'd been facing off with just a minute ago. "Mr. Brine fixates on your mistakes because you remind him of his— he and your mom had a thing back when we were all in high school together."

My jaw dropped, nose scrunching as I thought about it.

"He didn't treat her so well— messed around with other girls, that sort of thing. You're in high school, I'm sure you know all about guys who are jerks. Anyway, Edward, your father, was close friends with Theo— or, Mr. Brine. But he liked your mom, and he stole her away from... Mr. Brine."

"So you're telling me I've been getting harassed by a teacher because of some ancient feud between him and my parents?" I asked. For some reason it was embarrassing to hear this information about my parents from a total stranger, and it felt even weirder to think about disgruntled Mr. Brine having any sort of relationship with my mother.

Mr. Wright nodded. "I'll sort this out, I can assure you. He wasn't allowed to deduct those points from your grade, and unfair treatment is something we take very seriously."

"Okay." It was a relief to think I wouldn't have to stress so much over the teacher anymore, but one questioned still remained unanswered. "So... am I in trouble?"


My mom and dad were in the living room when I got home, their eyes trained on the TV screen where a game show host was announcing a trip to Hawaii. I cleared my throat, drawing their attention, and my mother gave me a wide eyed look.

"Ally, the school called— you got detention?" she asked, her tone filled with disapproval. Mr. Wright had let me off with just one, and unknowingly did me a favor in the process— the knowledge he gave me about my parents gross love triangle could be a major bargaining chip when it came to them not getting mad about the trouble I'd gotten into. Nothing like a little guilt about causing a teacher to bully your daughter to convince you to let her off the hook for something.

I shrugged, already over it. The day lugged on after my meeting with the principal as it dawned on me that I now had no friends (not even fake ones), no schoolgirl crush to entertain me, and to top it off, a date with Derek. I hadn't even been able to take the bus to the boardwalk, knowing my parents would think I was avoiding them. "Yeah. I'll be late on Friday."

"Would you like to tell us why you got called to the principals office?" my mom questioned.

"I told off a teacher," I answered, plopping onto the couch. Her eyes widened and she looked angry, but I spoke just as she opened her mouth. "Does the last name Brine ring any bells?"

"Your teacher is Theo Brine?" my dad asked.

I nodded, turning to my mom. "He's insufferable. I can't imagine why you ever went out with him."

She looked at me plainly, letting me know my guilt trip wasn't working. "Allison, you're grounded."

"I—" I cut myself off from protesting— this could be good. I would just tell Derek I was grounded and couldn't go on our date. Then I could sneak out later, ride the bus to the boardwalk, and find the lady who flipped my life upside down.

Of course, the psychic herself seemed to have other ideas of what I should do— or at least, her curse sure did. "Mom, please, not tonight. I have a date," my voice pleaded.

Her eyebrows rose, and I tried not to take offense at her surprise. It wasn't like I'd ever had a date before; of course she'd be shocked. "You do? With who?"

"A guy from my English class. I really really like him, I've been waiting so long for him to ask me!" I was practically begging— I was surprised I wasn't on the floor grovelling. My body dropped to the ground at the thought, resting on my knees, hands coming up and clasping under my chin. "Please, just wait one day."

My dad just stared at me, oblivious to the embarrassment churning inside of me and clearly so weirded out he didn't know what to say. My mother looked between us, seeming equally as startled by my outburst. 

"I— Well— Fine, okay. If it really means that much to you— I'd hate to see you sulking. But starting tomorrow, you're grounded for real, okay? Even if he asks you out again tonight, you tell him that, alright?"

No!  "Yes!" I exclaimed, body shooting onto it's feet. As if the date itself wouldn't be enough, the curse had to have me make a fool of myself to top it all off. 


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