Chapter 12- Like a Rock

Start from the beginning

"Mhm," was all Calum said. " Hurry up. We want to go eat before we get on the plane."

"Where are we going next?" I asked pulling out some black and white striped leggings and a led zeppelin Tshirt.

"France. You should probably wake him up" calum left me to get dressed and wake up my sleeping boyfriend.

"Luke, luuukkkkeee" I whispered. Pulling on my leggings. I kept whispering as I got dressed. I even tickled his foot that was sticking out under the blankets. Nothing. This boy was knocked the fuck out.

I put my suitcase on the floor and backed up to the couch that was across from the bed where my love was sound asleep. I ran and jumped screaming at the top of my lungs.

"RAWWW!!!!" I landed on Luke with a bounce from the bed bending with my added weight.

"What? huh?!" He yelled being jolted from sleep. "Why did you jump on me? that hurt."

"Aww. I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to hurt you. But you sleep like a rock."

He laughed pulling me in for a hug, breathing deeply.

"Are you wearing perfume?" he asked sniffing my neck again.

"Yeah. It's the Taylor swift wonder struck."

"Which one is that again? It smells really good by the way."

"The red one. And thanks" I said laughing. "The boys are waiting they want to go to breakfast before they get on the plane."

"Alright. I'm up I'm up."

I pulled on my shiny black dr. Martens ( my obvious go-to shoes) and waited for Luke to get dressed.

"Ready babe?" he called from the bathroom. He was fixing his quiff that I thought looked fine. But he swore was lopsided.

"Yep!" I grabbed my bags ready to walk out the door. Luke grabbed his and we made our way to the front desk.

We arrived at an IHOP and sat down at a large row of tables. The enitre tour family was there and I had yet to learn everyones names. Liz, Lukes mom, was there sitting next to John. He was the only tour family that I knew by name. After we ordered everyone was talking and laughing. Our flight wasn't until 12:30 so we just hung out in the restaurant.

"I'm sorry, but we need these tables, and you all have been here since 8:30 this morning." we were quiet looking at the manager of the IHOP.

"So basically your telling us to get out because we've been here to long?" I say taking a sip of my chocolate milk, that's been refilled 3 times.

"I wouldn't've said it like that-"

"I'm just kidding." I said. "We'll leave. Haha," I stood with everyone else. I took a long swig of my milk before walking over to the manager, "everything was yummy, thank you."

"Your welcome, have a nice day." He said. I walked out to the vans where everyone else was and got in taking a seat next to Luke.

We were now on the plane ready to go to France. It was a short flight. Only 3 hours.

Mystery POV

I've been working in the FBI building for a week now. I know that some girl helped them get away. Word is she works here. Samantha, or Amanda. I can't remember. And I heard that a hair and makeup girl have them her phone number. So, she could have contact with the family. I think this to myself as I walk into the bosses office.

"Have you found anything out?"

"A few things that I think could be useful." I stood there in front of his desk waiting for him to respond.

"Well spit it out!!"

"Sorry sir, well first, they had a family friend help them get away. her name was Samantha. She also works at the FBI building. A man named Richard gave them a laptop. But I think the most useful one we've got right now is a hairstylist named Lily Jensen. She gave Jessica her phone number."

"Perfect. I want to speak to this Ms. Jensen. Bring her to me."

"Yes sir" I said and walked out of the office.

Ana's POV

The boys were doing 2 shows in France over the next three days. With some interviews and radio appearances here and there. Luke's mom and I had made plans to see the sights while the boys were busy with interviews the next day.

"I'm really glad that your getting along with my mum." Luke said as we walked down the hallway to our rooms.

"Yeah. Me to,"

We walked into my room setting down the change of clothes wed thrown in a bag together. We were only staying in this hotel overnight. Then onto a tour bus for the remainder of the french leg of the tour.

"I'm hungry," Luke said. I sat there on the bed looking back at him. He was sitting with his back against the headboard and I was laying on my stomach my face towards the end of the bed. I was watching frozen. Luke was supposed to be watching it with me, but he was on his phone. Probably twitter.

"Okay, what do you want to eat?"

"I don't know..." he trailed off plopping down next to me at the foot of the bed. "Why do you like little kid movies?"

I gasped. "Your never to old for a disney movie." He smiled at me and leaned in pecking my lips. rolling off the bed he stood holding his hand out.

"C'mon, we are going to eat."

I stood up, reluctantly taking his hand and grabbing my hobo bag from the floor. "But I'm not hungry." I walked over to the door with Luke, he opened it letting me walk through first.

"Your never to old for eating," he said trying to use my own line against me.

"That doesn't even make sense!" I laughed. And we walked out of the hotel into the streets of Paris.


Okay guys, it's taken forever to put this very short chapter up. I'm sorry.

I haven't edited this. Or revised. So I will probably delete it and rewrite it over again.

Anyway, comment, vote, and add to your library!!! ILYASM. Biyas

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