chapter 16

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I woke up in some sort of ware house, I have no idea where I was

Not long after I woke up a man comes through the door along with 2 body gaurds. He walked up to me and looked me over, he wanted something but the question was what?

The gaurds come up to me and untied me, once my hands we're free I punched the man in the face, within a few seconds I was pinned to the wall with a knife to my neck...

I glared at him while struggling, he released me at the main guys word. "Shes a feisty one" He said and I turned my glare to him "we can have a bit of fun with her before we kill her" He said, I just met him but I already hate him

The men took me to a different room that had more tools for torture. I didn't have a good feeling about this. They laid me on the table and grabbed a scalpel they made cutes

Then they grabbed a hammer and broke some bones then for good measure they slammed it into my stomach a few times till I was throwing up blood

When they were done they took me back to my original room and tied me back up while I bent over in un bare able pain

~5 days later~

I can't feel my limbs there numb from being smashed so many time a day, I had bruises along my stomach my clothes we're torn, then I also have cuts that sit in a puddle of my own blood. The men came back into the room, the gaurds took me out of the chair great time for another beating

We enter a room I've never been in, they set me into a chair. "I hate to do this to such a nice toy but prior to my agreement with you're father I have to kill you" My eyes widen, so my dad put him up to this...

He pulls out a gun and put it to my head "please don't do this" I said with tears rolling down my cheeks begging him "I have a fiance to get back to" I said sobbing I saw the guys face, he looked like he was being forced "if I don't do this he'll kill my family" He said and I couldn't believe it

"Heh, he tore our family apart and now he's doing it to others, did you know he beat me so bad it tore up my body to the point I can't have kids anymore. I can't have a family anymore" I said crying more "but it's fine, I wouldn't want him t-to tear up another family, so just kill me at least i-i'll get out of this world"

He placed the gun to my chest and pulled the trigger

My head fell to look at my chest I was bleeding, just then the door to the ware house got kicked in and it was yoongi, I looked around the room while no one was looking at me, Hoseok was behind me I saw him being sneaky and I almost cried, I looked around again and I saw Tae, Namjoon, jimin, and jungkook who sneaked through the back door after the distraction

I looked back at yoongi and mouthed a "thank you" And I saw him smile a bit. The man in front of me looked towards me "do you know him?" He asked pointing a gun at me again, I was about to answer when yoongi did it for me "I'm her fiance" He said and the guys eyes widened

Everything was getting blurry I could barely tell my left from my right

My head fell, I couldn't find the strength to keep holding it up. I slowly used the strength I had left to bring my feet out of the rope they were tied in and kick the guy in front of me before falling on my back and groaning in pain, I look behind me and saw the others and once they saw my bullet hole that starting to create a puddle

Namjoon had to stop Tae from running to me. I needed help I was going to pass out soon, someone set my chair up then I felt that gun placed on my temple "come any closer and I'll shoot" He said smirking.

I was scared, Namjoon and Jungkook came up and took out 2 of the gaurds and jimin tried to take down the guy with the gun but in the process I got shot.. Again, but this time it my shoulder. I looked at everyone in front of me, there's cops and paramedics. I'm free

Yoongis POV

We were in the hospital waiting for the doctor to come out and tell us everything was fine. Soon a nurse came and took me into a room a line and soon after the doctor came in.

He looked sad... Oh no.. This can't be good

He walks up to me and I couldn't help but cry "I'm sorry for you're loss sir" He said putting a comforting hand on my shoulder, my legs were weak, I had to sit down, I was in shock before I started breaking down "this can't be true, she's alive.. Right?" I said choking in my words. This can't be happening

What am I going to tell the guys.

Once I calm down a bit I went back into the waiting room the boys ran up to me "Is she okay? Tell us how she's doing" Jin asked and a tear fell from my eye "can we sit down first?" I asked knowing they wouldn't take this well, after we all sat down in the empty waiting room I told them "Y/n, she lost to much blood-"

"But shes fine. Right?" Tae asked and I shook my head "s-she didn't m-make it. She didn't h-have enough blood to last h-her till tomorrow. And the hospital c-could only give her s-so much" I said choking on my words letting more tears fall.

They were shocked but I don't blame them, just then Hoseok turned to me "man, I t-think there's something you n-need to know" He said he was obviously about to cry "w-what?"

"The reason Y/n didn't want kids is cause she couldn't have any, she was afraid if she told you she wasn't physically capable of having kids anymore you'd leave her" He told me, I was shocked why would she think something like that. My heart hearts thinking about her

After a few more minutes of crying we all went home

Nothing will ever be the same without you

We will always miss you Y/n

After that day yoongi and the others were never the same, the others got to the point they could live with her death, but yoongi took it the hardest

He never went out, he never paid bills, he couldn't work as an idol anymore without breaking down on stage, he missed the reader to much to go on about his life like it never happened, he wore the ring he bought her every day, he refused to let her go

He loved her to much to do that

Now he's for ever alone in a house that will never be the same. Cause he doesn't have Y/n by his side. She was his joy, his reason to live and now she's gone....

(A/n: feel free to scream in the comments XD)

~Sequel coming soon~

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