Chapter 7

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I put my hands on his chest and push as hard as I could, keeping him as far away as possible

I get lost in my thoughts

Why does this always happen? Why can't I ever protect the people I love?

I'm going to to lose 2 people I love at the same time I lose myself, and there's nothing I can do about it, and there's no one here to save us

Screw it


I scream over and over louder each time. Hoping the neighbors would hear me if their home

Soon my mouth was covered by my fathers dirty hand

He takes the knife and it's so close to my skin when I look over to yoongi who had tears in his eyes, he reached his hand out to stop it but it was to late when the knife pierced right under my heart

A tear slid down my cheek as I mouth "thank you" To yoongi, he was far away from me, but he nodded letting me know he understood

More tears slide down my face as a small stream of blood came out from the corner of my mouth, I smiled at him

Then I realized that's the first time I didn't fake a smile towards yoongi

The tears started flowing down his cheeks as I hear him yell "NO! Y/n you can't die, we have a life together, we have a child to raise"

My dad walked over to him and released his hand and he pushed my dad out of the way and ran to me, he put his hand on the wound and applied pressure to stop the bleeding

Soon, I see yoongi get cut down by the same knife that was in his hands, it went through him a couple times and he fell on top of me

"Yoongi!!! Come on wake up, you can't l-leave me" I said moving him slightly, I was losing blood and the energy to keep my eyes lids open, I'm going to pass out soon

But I need to get us out of here. But if I move I'll risk the baby's health

But, I have to take that risk

I look over to my side and about 20 feet away from me is my dad's sell phone, I guess it got knocked off the couch when he got off it

I inch towards it, if I could just dial 911 they will send someone

Once I grab the phone I hurry and dial 911, a few seconds later someone answers as my dad's walking back in

"Help send help, we have 2 injured, and there's a guy that's out for bloo-" I was cut off when my dad grabbed the phone and crushed it on the floor

Great there go's that plan. Well the paramedics should be here soon none the less.

I'm losing more blood then I realize and every minute that goes by, I lose more consciousness

I start to fear for all our lives as we sit in agony on the floor waiting for our hero's that may not make it in time.

As I get lost in thought I realize that yoongis starting to wake up, once he opens his eyes he looks at me then winces in pain seeing as he still has stab wounds all over his upper body

But he gets to his knees and tries to help me up, if we're standing we can move away from him easier without being stuck on the ground

As I stand we lean on each other "come on we can do this" He says encouraging me

But I wish it was that easy, I'm in this state of mind where I don't care if I die anymore and I hate it, I hate this state my mind could turn into, it scares me, cause I have 2 other people I have to look out for

And those people matter to me more then I matter to myself

If I don't get help soon I might lose my baby and that's scary. I have known this baby for 5 hours and I already love them so much

I try my hardest to keep my balance as we try to escape through the front door while my dad's busy in the kitchen

This was our moment, but that moment didn't last long. Before I know it I stop in my tracks and I don't know why till I look down at my feet.

There's a knife in my right foot, witch is the opposite side young was on, at this point we had the door open, but, I knew I wasn't getting out of here alive

I take the risk and I push young out the door and lock it, I dragged my foot along while I did so causing me a lot of pain but I didn't care, if I could save one of the three lives in danger I'll die happy

I got scared, my legs scared shaking

"So it's just me and you know huh? Since you were actually smart enough to save you're lover"

I was so angry that he thought he could just walk into my life all of the sudden and care about me being pregnant and stuff like that, I was confused, angry, and sad, all at the same time

This whole thing was insane

"You know, when the cops show up.. I hope they send you to prison for life" I state while giving him the biggest glare I could muster. But meanwhile I was sway back and forth in able to keep my balance.

I bend over and pull the knife out of my foot and use it as a weapon

If this was one on one and none of us had any wounds, I would stand a pretty good chance, but this isn't the case, it's the complete opposite

I heard a lot of hard pounding on the door but I didn't open it and I didn't let my dad any where near it

"Let me back in there. Come on, Y/n, don't pick a fight you can't win" I heard yoongis voice loud and clear, it sounded like he was crying, and I'm well aware that I won't be any where close to winning this fight anytime soon

I was lost in thought again at the wrong time and I was caught off guard by a knife piercing through the upper part of my stomach once again.

The farther that knife goes in, the more tears I she'd for the life I felt leave my body


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