Chapter 14

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Y/n's POV

I woke up in the hospital not long after that the memories of last night come flooding in. I wonder what they think of me know after finding me bleeding to death on my bathroom floor

They probably think I'm a depressed kid who thinks there's no cure. I hate it when I feel like people hate me. I look over to the sides of me and I don't see anyone so that's good. So I start crying while I'm alone

I don't even know what to do with my life anymore, I need to get out of this town, everything bad keeps happening, I just need to leave and clear my head then maybe I'll come back one day.

As soon as I get out of the hospital, I'll go to the dorm, pack my stuff. And sneak out in the middle of the night when everyone's asleep

With much pain I reached to the end of my bed and grabbed the chart and look at it, it says if everything is fine I can be out in about a month, which is good

Someone slowly opened the door as I quickly put the chart back and layed down, now in a lot of pain from all the moving around with my cuts. I watched the man walk in. Couldn't really tell who it was considering my eyes were still a bit blurry and the man had his head in his phone

When he looked up our eyes met, yoongi?

"You're awake"

"Of course I am"

We just both laughed at my comment ignore the fact that was my 3rd attempt to take my life. We talked and laughed making jokes about the other members till I brought something up "so were you the hero in this story again?" I ask wondering

"Nope, Jin went to you're room to ask you something and you wouldn't reply when he asked you something through the door so he got jungkook to kick the door in"

Wow I was shocked. Usually yoongis the hero in almost all my story's

We talk till he had to leave. As soon as he did. The doctor walked in to do a check up, what perfect timing, I started getting a stomach ache a few hours ago

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked and I shook my head, I explained what was going on with my stomach and he took a look, then he took a few tests and came back later

"So it looks like you're body hasn't been in very good condition for a while now and its starting to tear up you're  organs, the way it's looking you uterus has been tearing itself up for a while now. So that means that its broken beyond repair, and it's doing no good being inside you, so we're going to have to remove it other wise it'll just cause you more pain"

I was shocked dmy his words, "so that means-"

"you can't have any kids"

It's true but I didn't want to believe it, it feels so un real.

I don't want it to be true "is there any other way to fix this?" I asked and he shakes his head "sadly the modern day technology hasn't come up with a cure for this stuff yet"

I was scared, frightened, hopeless. I just wanted to roll up into a ball and die. I always dreamed of having a perfect little family with a lot of kids if my husband would allow it

And now that dreams been shattered, I can't have children anymore. I don't really know how to take this, yoongi left, even if he just happened to show up I don't want him to know this information

If he finds out he might not love me anymore

And that scares me more

~3 days later~

I woke up right before yoongi walked through the door. He had a big smile on his face. I didn't sleep much the night before it I probably look terrible.

He walked up to me and handed me a cup of coffee, I thanked him and slowly drank it "I have something to tell you Y/n" His smile suddenly faded and he looked at me seriously

I got scared, does he wanna break up? We've been dating for almost 5 months, no it's probably not that. I calm down a bit before say "then just say it"

"Okay, well I wanted to do this later on, but right now, in this moment, I've seen you close to death 3 times now, and that hurts me a lot, and I want to let you know I'm going to be by you're side forever, through the good and the bad. I'll be there for you through the storm, I love you so much, Y/n, do you love me?"

"Of course I love you what kind of question is that, you've always been there for me, you picked me up when I was down, then theres that cute gummy smile of yours that I'm pretty sure no on can resist. I love you so much. And this is one feeling I don't regret having for once" I replied trying to get the message across to him that I love him more then there are stars in the sky

He's the first person to ever love me the way I love them

"I love you so much to. When you tried to kill yourself I was up till 4 am trying to figure out how I can promise I'll be there for the women I love for the rest of our lives... Then it hit me"

He stayed silent for a but before reaching into his pocket to grab something. I look around the room for a sign that something good going to happen, then I realize the flowers at my bed side that he's been bringing me ever since I was put in this place...

I love him so much... I might even love him to much, he was my roll model since they debuted and he was on a screen for the longest time then he showed up in person and I ran, I couldn't face him even though his songs are what helped me through all the bad times. His music made me feel special

I regret not facing him sooner, I regret not having this relationship sooner. Cause I can tell you that if he left me today I wouldn't be able to live without the love I once received from the man I care so much about

I can say that I love him with all my heart and not be wrong

I zoned out while staring at him, when I came to. He said something that made my eyes widen

"Y/n... Will you marry me?"

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