Chapter 13

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Thanks so much for over 100 reads guys this is amazing, next gaol 200

We stop the kiss when we hear Jin yelling saying dinners ready. It smells so good night can't wait to try some!

I take yoongis hand and we walk down to the kitchen together, when we get there we sit down and then we start eating once everybody shows up

Man was that food delicious! The best I've ever had!

Once we finish Jin picks up the dishes then I insist on helping him. He was happy I wanted to help cause apparently the other boys are a bit lazy about it

After I finish helping I head to my room then change into some pj's then I brush my teeth and head to bed.

I wake up the next morning, and I can't find the energy to get out of bed and face the day, I just want to lay here and die. And that when  it finally hits me, everything in my life is falling a part even myself, but the only string holding everything together is

Min Yoongi

But he won't last long now that he knows everything about me. He'll think I'm a freak, dumb me, kick me out, and never speak to me again

All these thoughts rush through my head as I think of only one solution, hurting myself.

I grab my razor and head to the bathroom that's connected to my room, and I stand over the sink and start cutting till I almost pass out. I stand there and look at my self in the mirror, I wasn't able to protect to children I was supposed to be a mother to, instead I didn't fight hard enough for them to survive when I should've

I lay on the bathroom tile and bleed, I hear my bedroom door open and quickly lock the bathroom door and continue to bleed out without a worry in my mind, I'm not even afriad of death anymore, I just want to die after all I deserve it...

I hear someone call my name but I don't care to try and realize who they were. I lay on the cold tile as everything reminds me of what has happened, witch gives me even more reasons to die. I pick my blade up from the floor and prop myself up against the bathtub and I cut till I can't cut anymore, my arms, my stomach, my legs, I look at the scars on my skin that are bleed. I try to think of other ways to die a bit fast.

I turn the water on so people thought I was being normal. Then I heard a knock "Y/n, are you okay?" I didn't have the energy to answer. So I stayed silent. He started shouting my name and asking me the the same question

"I'm going to get junkook, just hang in there Y/n"

By time he gets back it'll be to late. I raise the blade to my neck and cut as deep as I can as quickly as I can. I hear banging on the door then someone appeared in front of me as I passed out

Jungkooks POV

I was sitting in my room and listening to music when I hear a knock on my door, I open it without bothering to put on a shirt. It was Jin

"Y/n...she.. Locked herself.. In the bathroom.. Some things.. Wrong" He says in heavy breaths from running.

I shove him out of the way and I run to Y/n's room. If she's hurt it would kill yoongi. So once I get to the door I knock but there's no answer and all I hear is water running. I turn to Jin

"She's taking a bath you idiot"

"No, I have a really bad feeling about this Junkook-" Just then he screamed at me and pointed at something under the door.. It was red

"I-its blood" Jin stutters, that's it, this door is going down like donkey Kong, I kick the door in and look at the body laying on the floor, I hear Jin gasp behind me. I rush to Y/n's aid, she opens her eyes slightly then they shut

I grab my phone and dial 911. I lay her on the floor and start CPR

She's not waking up, but this will help her heart to keep beating. Or at least that's what I heard

"Hello, this is 911, what's you're emergency?"

"I found my friend laying on the bathroom floor, she wasn't awake, she's lost a lot of blood. And she has deep cut on her arms, legs, stomach, and a deep cut on her throat"

After that I tell them my address then I hung up. Then I turn to Jin "come over here and take my place, I need to get something so I could stop this bleeding" Jin nods and we switch

I run to the kitchen with bloody knees and hands from touching her and putting my knees in puddles of blood

Hoseok, Jimin, and yoongi were in the kitchen where I needed to be, I need a rag from one of the cabinets. Screw it.

I walk into the kitchen, I walked to one of the cabinets when Hoseok spoke

"Junkook, why do you have blood on you?"

"Y/n was found in her bathroom with several deep cuts including one on her neck, Jin's doing CPR right now, and where are the towels?!?!?" They looked shocked but I finally grabbed some towels and said "when the paramedics show up show them where we are" I say leaving.

I walk to Y/n and put pressure on her wounds to stop the bleeding, so maybe she can wake up again, I don't even know what I'm doing

A few minutes later the paramedics show up and she's taken to the hospital while we're left behind to clean up, but yoongi insisted on going with so we let him while the rest of us stayed behind to clean

You Dont Wanna Know {Complete}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ