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When life gives you problems,

so you have lost all hope,

and you don't know how to cope.

Then you just want to pick up that razor, knife or rope.

Just close your eyes and pray,

and push those horrid thoughts away.

Then open your eyes and think,

this life is yours to cherish,

and not just yet should it finish.

Because god has more in store,

than these times that make you sick and sore.

You just need to explore,

not just inside,

but far and wide.

And soon you'll know that life

is much, much more.


A/N For all those wonderful person thinking about ending their life, don't do it

You just need to love yourself

then you'll realize you don't need anything else.

Dedicated to:



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Silent Words (On Hold[School])Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat