Will You Miss Me?

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Will you miss me when I'm gone?

Will I remain that friend that you were especially fond?

Will my lessons be left alone?

Or will it be set in stone.

Will you miss me when I'm gone?

Will you treasure our special bond?

Will you remember our crazy ways?

That kept our laughter ablaze?

Even though I will not be around for the coming days?

Will you remember my made up traditions?

Of chocolates, code-names and 'secret' missions?

Will you remember me on rainy days?

When I took your umbrella and left you to get wet?

Or my ideas that left us in a craze?

Will you miss the times when things went hilariously wrong because of one of my bets?

Will you miss my nerdiness?

That helped you through a mess.

Will you still call my nicknames,

That got you tons of fame?

Or my feisty attitude,

That made no argument lame?

And when everything goes worng a virus, a buffalo, and a hyena are to blame.

And make sure that superman is always put to shame.

Will you miss my open heart?

My smile, my style, and my big bear hugs?

And my treats that left you happy and snug?

Will you miss me as a whole?

No matter what the future may hold.

Will you miss my drama?

That always seem to unfold.

And my early morning walks?

And all day endless talks?

Will you miss my fast solutions,

that always seem to solve you problems?

Will you miss me when I'm gone?

Will my memories live on?

Will they be deleted like unwanted messages from your phone?

Or will you remember them like the lyrics to your favourite love song?



dedicated to my best friends:







Silent Words (On Hold[School])Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang