Little Brother Trouble

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I sit in the library reading in peace,
and I feel stares bolting through me.
I scan the room and my eyes land in the bookshelves to the east,
to see boys watching me ever so creepy.

Usually I would just keep my nose in my book and ignore,
but today my ming and heart raced a little more.
I was meeting my brother and any minute he will burst through that door,
and if if he sees them, in a blink they will be six feet under this very floor.

I'm over exaggerating a little you'll think,
but their mere glances my way will start wrestle mania 34 or even world war 3 in a blink.
And trust me there will be no possible way,
to calm him down once he see their smirks today.

With no words spoken,
they will have to learn their lesson,
Whether it will be a death glare or five knuckle shuckle, they will leave in pure humiliation.
And make sure that whether they are asleep or awaken.
They'll know better than to even think of me,
cause he'll break everything in them that can be broken

Now I'm starting to panic cause now they're smiling too,
if they continue,
they'll dig their own graves,that's what they'll do.
So, I better leave before my brother arrives and any of the possibilities come true.


a/n  Dedicated to my little brother Ash-Greninga12 who does exactly like the poem says when it comes to boys.




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