No Tears Left

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Cry yourself out,
It helps.
Things may have gone south,
But you know it's best for yourself.
Go in that direction,
Then your happiness will not be gone.

These times are going to make you; not break you,
You'll soon see this is very much true.
Their actions hurt,
But you know the truth.
You'll know your guts were right,
And that little voice is still there telling you to fight.
Try to live in the present,
But not forget your past,
The pain will not last.
Only the lessons.

When its done,
Don't cry at all.
They're not even worth your tears.
Sometimes we build wall around us,
To see who cares enough to find a way to pass.
The ones who truly love you wouldn't make a fuss
And only them will always stay near.
But you still have to show them they present no fear,
With your loved ones you are much happier here.

God will never throw any thing at you that you can't handle.
Go at your own pace,
Soon you'll find yourself at the problem's base,
Just give yourself some space.
Then all your problems you'll be able to face.

You have to remember you control your life,
So treat yourself to nothing less than the best.


Dedicated to






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