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"You're a girl!" they say.

And so,

I'm proud of it,

not controlled by it.

I'm me,

the best thing I could ever be.

Ribbons and pearls,


ballgowns and princes.

That's not all girls see.

Why sit quiet,

with floral dresses waiting for bouquets.

When you can get up,

and don your style.

Sweatpants and a halter top.

Then change the world,

blow some minds,

and let your imagination go wild.

Let the world be what you want,

your talents are made for you to flaunt.

Outwit them with your smarts,

Speak your mind with your art.

Who cares about the girls on magazines

That always seem to make a scene?

Wear you confidence by and by,

And keep your head way up in the sky.

We're not made to impress anyone,

Just to live our lives with a little more than a hint of fun,

And show the world that we know where we belong.

Girls don't have to sit at home,

To do the chores all alone.

We're not puppets that you play with all day,

Then be replaced when we're broken.

We are brave , bold , and outspoken.

With the universe wrapped around our little finger,

Your bad words will never linger.

Girls are strong and beautiful,

Like roses surrounded with thorns.

So when you underestimate,

We'll make sure you learn.

We're not the least bit scared.

Girls don't wait for a knight in shining armour,

That's like listening to bad people and sit still in a corner.

We're our own saviors.

And make names for our selves,

Cause I'm me, 

The greatest thing I could possibly be.



Dedicated to






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