Chapter 10

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Hebe woke up the next day thinking that she had been dreaming. No way could she have seen the man and carried on a conversation with him. Hebe was sure it had been a dream till she rolled out of bed and saw a chair sitting facing the side of her bed. Hebe stared open mouthed at the chair before she shot up out of bed. She dressed as quick as she could hopping on one foot while trying to put her shoes on as she left her room in search of Helena.

It took forever to find Helena, but finally she found her, sitting in the garden enjoying a nice cup of tea with Dante. Hebe apologized for interrupting them before she pulled Helena away from Dante. Helena went reluctantly.

"What's going on Hebe?" Helena asked as soon as Hebe had pulled her into the room that housed the Egyptian Collection. "I was having a nice conversation with Dante about female pharaohs."

Hebe pulled Helena over to the mummified hand and foot. She pointed at the body parts before she dropped her loaded bomb on an unsuspecting Helena. "I believe I know who these belong too. They belong to a Pharaoh named Amun who just happened to appear in my room while I was asleep. We spoke briefly before I fell back asleep."

Helena's mouth fell open in shock. She reached forward and felt Hebe's forehead. "You have to be running a fever because what you're saying is crazy."

Hebe swatted her friend's hand away. "I know it sounds crazy and I'm not crazy. I can promise you that. I have the papers to prove it."

Helena rolled her eyes. "I still can't believe you had to get tested, but are you sure you weren't dreaming?"

Hebe stomped her foot in anger. "I already thought of that Helena. I was sure it was a dream till I climbed out of bed this morning and found my desk chair sitting facing my bed in the exact location where the Pharaoh was sitting."

Helena thought about that for a few minutes. "What did he look like?"

"The same as last time." Hebe sighed as she went over and plopped down on one of the benches along the wall. "The only thing different this time was that he was buck ass naked."

Helena's eyebrows went up. "Was he yummy looking?"

Hebe blushed. "Uh huh and he is very well endowed. I swear I have never seen a penis as big as his. I'm not sure how long it was, but it was impressive."

"Why are you blushing Hebe? It's just a penis."

"It was a very large, aroused, penis." Hebe pointed out.

Helena's mouth fell open. "Oh my God!"

"I know." Hebe said in embarrassment as Helena sank down next to her. "I've never had that happen before."

Helena snorted. "That's because you only ever dated geeks Hebe.

Hebe glared at Helena. "So where did you spend the night."

The smile that Helena gave Hebe was all the answer she needed. "Don't break the man's heart Helena."

Helena grew serious. "I won't Hebe. Dante is different than the other men I've dated or slept with. I can actually see myself happy with him."


Helena reached forward and grasped Hebe's by the hands. "What are you going to do about the man you keep seeing? It's getting serious if you can talk to each other now."

"I know and I'm not sure what to do. I had thought of asking you if your one aunt could come out."

Helena nodded. "Aunt Modette would sure know something. I'll give her a call."

"Thanks Helena."

Helena gave Hebe an impromptu hug. "That's what friends are for." Helena stood up. "How about we go and get some breakfast."

"That sounds wonderful."

I Fell In Love With A PharaohWhere stories live. Discover now