Chapter 16

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"You look like the cat that ate the canary. What happened?"

Helena's voice interrupted Hebe's interlude before she got back to work. Hebe looked up startled to see Helena standing in front of her. A blush stole across Hebe's cheeks. Helena's mouth fell open before she hastily sat down beside Hebe on the wide lip of the fountain.

"You didn't."

Hebe nodded and bit her lip to keep from smiling. "I did. I couldn't help it Helena. Amun brought me a genuine article of clothing from Ancient Egypt. It looks exactly like the one in the tomb paintings I've seen and." Hebe paused to wag her eyebrows at her friend. "They are sheer."

Helena gaped at Hebe before she started fanning herself. "I'll bet Amun was all over you."

"He was a gentleman." Hebe paused. "At least until I kissed him. He lost all control after that."

"He didn't hurt you did he?" Helena looked worried as she grasped Hebe's hand in her own.

"No. He was very gentle with me. I never thought sex would feel so good."

Helena snorted as she brushed her windblown hair out of her face. "I told you that you needed to date and sleep with someone who wasn't a geek."

Hebe stuck out her tongue at Helena before she handed her the extra hair tie she had around her wrist. "Your hair is going to get so ratty if you don't put it up."

"Thanks." Helena said as she began putting her hair up. "Do you think this will change things?"

"I don't know," Hebe said on a sigh. "Amun said that things are getting worse in Ancient Egypt. He is being pressured to produce an heir, but he has no appetite for the concubines who throw themselves at him and he has yet to take a wife."

Helena looked puzzled. "How old is he?"

Hebe shrugged. "Around thirty I'm guessing and he's been Pharaoh for ten years."

"I wonder if he was done away with because he wasn't doing what Pharaoh's were supposed to do."

"Maybe," Hebe mused softly. "Anyway, Amun wasn't surprised when I showed him the mummified hand and foot that I think belongs to him. He was more upset at the fact that his body wasn't intact."

"It would make sense."

The two friends sat in a comfortable silence together watching the wind dance through the plants that surrounded them. Birds sang and Hebe could almost imagine herself along the banks of the Nile. Her thoughts turned to the two countries that were her home. Amun would love to see what his country was like now and she knew that he'd be amazed at Greece.

"Do you love him?"

Hebe cocked her head and thought about Helena's question as she leaned back on her hands and beat her heel softly against the fountain.

"I do, but would good will it do me if Amun dies in Ancient Egypt."

"Maybe once his death happens in Ancient Egypt, he'll come here."

Hebe shrugged. "I hope so, but Ancient Egyptians had a strong belief in the afterlife. Just look at the clues they left us."

"True." Helena conceded. "But maybe Amun's idea of an afterlife has changed since meeting you. I'm sure that he's curious about our time period. Just think about what he could add into the world."

"I've thought of that, but how would we do it without people thinking us bonkers. You know how the scientific community loves to tear people apart."

"All you can do is try."

"I know. I just wish I had more clues as to how and when he died."

"I feel for you my friend. I really do. All I can suggest is that you spend the time you have with Amun to the fullest. Take him to bed with you every night. Listen to him speak of his people."

Hebe smiled over at Helena. "I will and thank you. Anyone else would think I'm nuts."

Helena laughed as she stood and pulled Hebe up behind her. They linked arms as they began walking through the garden. "You are nuts Hebe, but you're my kind of nuts."

Hebe laughed. "I'm so glad that you're my friend."

Helena bumped her shoulder against Hebe. "So am I." Dante appeared ahead of them. Helena leaned her head against Hebe's. "I am so glad that we are friends because you've introduced me to the most amazing man I've ever known."

Hebe looked at Dante who was smiling at them. His gaze was riveted on Helena and there was such joy and awe in that gaze that it made Hebe's worry ease. If Helena could find love with Dante then Hebe could find love with Amun.

I Fell In Love With A Pharaohजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें