Chapter 2

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The only thing that exhausted Hebe the most about what she did was packing and unpacking her belongings. Hebe could go without sleep or food when it came to her work. That didn't bother her, but the task of finding places to put all of her belongings was exhausting. Hebe didn't have to bring as much stuff as she did, but Hebe would rather be prepared than have to get frustrated over the one thing that she needed that she had forgotten to pack.

Hebe paused in unpacking a crate full of her books and wiped at her forehead. She absentmindedly rubbed at her aching back before she straightened back up and finished emptying out the crate. Hebe moved the crate over to the wall and stacked it on top of another crate that she had emptied earlier.

The sound of birds drew Hebe's attention to the blue sky outside her window. Hebe wandered over to the window and leaned against the window frame as she gazed down onto the beautiful garden that her room overlooked. Birds flittered here and there singing joyfully in the bright sunny day. Hebe watched the birds for a few minutes before she moved away from the window. She really needed to get to work helping Dante date his collection, but she was tired from her travels and the monumental task of packing and unpacking her belongings.

Hebe stared at the bookcase that now held part of her collection of books. She shifted her weight onto her left leg and tapped her lips with her right hand. The fingers of her left hand tapped against her ribs on her right side where her hand rested as Hebe stared at her books. She finally plucked a book on classical Greece off the shelf. Hebe grabbed a notebook and pen from her desk before she left her room.

Her footsteps echoed in the hallway as she made her way briskly through the wing that was now hers. It didn't take long for Hebe to find her way outside into the garden. A refreshing breeze greeted Hebe as she stepped foot outside. Hebe paused and inhaled the wonderful aroma of the garden before she found a spot under a nice shady tree and got to work.

Hebe didn't know how long she flipped through her book making notes. The sun had moved, but Hebe couldn't tell you by how much because she hadn't bothered to look at a clock on her way out. She was deeply into her work and jumped slightly when someone cleared their throat. Hebe glanced up to find Dante standing there with two glasses of lemonade and a plate of sandwiches.

Dante grinned at her when she looked up. "I bring offerings to you. I always found studying thirsty work." Dante sat down beside Hebe and passed her a glass and offered her a sandwich. "I figured that if you were thirsty then you might be hungry as well."

Hebe set aside her book and took the glass of lemonade. As she took a sip of the refreshing drink, Hebe snagged a sandwich from the plate Dante held. Dante took the other sandwich and laid the empty plate on the ground to the left of his feet. He raised his glass and saluted Hebe before he took a drink.

"I might as well forewarn you Dante, that I have a bad habit of working so hard that I forget to eat and sometimes sleep. You will have to remind me to at least take a nap."

Dante nodded sagely. "I will check on you regularly then. I wouldn't want you to exhaust yourself helping me."

Hebe shrugged as she munched on her sandwich. "I am used to functioning with very little sleep and I have gone hungry before at least now it is by choice."

Dante looked at her sharply. "You are far too young to have suffered."

Hebe gazed across the garden. "How do you know I have suffered?"

"I hear it in your voice and see it in your eyes. I can only guess at what led to your suffering. A neglected childhood perhaps or maybe you were taken advantage of by someone you trusted."

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