Chapter 6

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As Hebe continued working with the Egyptian collection, she saw more visions of the man. He always appeared to her and seemed surprised to see her. Every time he noticed her, he would disappear. It was aggravating and Hebe feared that she was losing her mind. If she went to the doctor and explained everything, she'd be sent to a psychiatrist who would tie her visions back to her childhood drama. No thank you.

After several months of this, Hebe confided in one of the rare friends that she had kept. It had taken Hebe a full day to find her friends information which she had absentmindedly stuck in a book as a bookmark. Hebe smoothed the rumpled paper flat and shot her friend, Helena, a message on chat.

Hey Helena, it's Hebe. Sorry I haven't spoken to you in ages. I finally found your contact information. I accidentally used it as a bookmark. Are you free for a few minutes?

Hebe drummed her fingers on her laptop before she got up to pace her spacious suite. Hebe was gazing at her reflection in the mirror when she heard a ping stating that she had a message. Hebe hurried over to her computer. A small smile lit her face as she clicked on Helena's message.

It's about time I heard from you Hebe. I figured that you had misplaced my info. What's up?

Hebe typed her message out and pressed send.

I'm working with a client that has a huge Ancient Egyptian collection as well as several other huge collections. Anyway, he has this mummified hand and foot of a mummy. Ever since I've laid eyes on those items I've been seeing visions of an Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh.

Helena's message came back within seconds.

If I didn't know you better I would say that you've been hitting the bottle too much or you're high. Since I know that you don't do drugs and you are a moderate drinker I can rule those out. Can you tell me more?

Hebe sighed as she typed out another few sentences.

Each time is different. I can see the man long before he can see me. He has appeared to me in different regalia of the age. Sometimes I look over and he's there. Other times I smell incense and then he appears later. The last few times I have heard music and voices before he has appeared.

Helena's next message was short.

Can he see you?

Not at first. Hebe typed. It can be anywhere from a few seconds to several long minutes for him to realize that I'm there. Every single time he seems surprised and a few times he's been angry. As soon as he sees me, he disappears.

Helena's next message was slow in coming.

Are you sure that you're not pushing yourself to the limit?

I'm positive. My client, Dante, makes sure that I get enough to eat, drink, and plenty of rest. He's actually pulled me away from my work if he thinks that I've been spending too much time hunkered over my books.

Helena sent a laughing emoji.

I'm glad that someone is finally keeping you from working too hard. How often do you see this mysterious man?

At first it was very sporadic and I only saw him twice, but since I'm now working with the Egyptian Collection more often, it's now an everyday occurrence.

Helena's next message was long in coming.

I wonder if it has to do with your Egyptian roots. Remember how you felt when you walked through Karnak? It could be that he's an ancestor of yours.

Hebe drummed her fingers on her laptop before she typed back.

I doubt that Helena. I feel a strong pull whenever I see this mysterious man. He's a pharaoh, but I'm not sure which one. We know so little about how many pharaohs there really were. This is important for some reason, whether we realize it or not.

Helena typed back.

Do you want me to come out there and see if I can see him?

Hebe was surprised at the unexpected surge of relief she felt at her friend's words.

Would you really?

Helena sent a kiss her way.

Of course I would. You made college interesting and I have missed spending time together. I will get on the first plane I can.

I will let Dante know that he'll have another guest. He'll be thrilled.

Is he handsome?

Hebe paused at Helena's question.

He is, but he's at least twenty years older than us. I haven't really bothered to ask about his age so he could be younger than he looks. I've gone with him on several outings when he thinks I've been cooped up inside too much. The women flock to him. He likes the attention, but I can tell that he's sad because all they want him for is his money.

Helena sent a sad face back.

I do not care if a man has money Hebe. You know that I am swimming in my family inheritance. I am curious about this man because of how well he takes care of you.

A small smile tugged at Hebe's mouth.

You'll like him Helena. He's eccentric and right up your alley.

Perfect! I can't wait to see you and meet him.

Hebe signed off of her computer and got up to walk off some excess energy. Dante was gone on a day trip somewhere looking at more pieces to add to his collection. The hired help never bothered Hebe and Hebe found it hard to get to know them so she went to the library.

Dante had a rather impressive library filled with rare books and copies of ancient manuscripts. Hebe wandered through the bookshelves before she finally pulled a book down that had caught her interest. It was a little dusty, but Hebe could handle that as long as she didn't start sneezing.

The book was old and heavy with a copyright of 1890. Hebe set it gently on one of the many tables that occupied space in the library. It didn't take her long to get lost within the tome which was a memoir of some lady who had explored the world by herself. It was a fascinating read and Hebe stayed immersed in it until the back of her neck began to tingle as if someone was watching her.

Hebe looked up and froze in surprise. Sitting across from her looking just as surprised as she did was the man she had just been telling Helena about. He was dressed in simple clothes, almost as if he was relaxing in his private quarters. His kohl rimmed eyes were focused on her with an intensity that Hebe could feel and it made her blush.

The man straightened in his chair and reached out slowly with the fingers of his right hand. Hebe watched as he moved. Curiosity got the better of her and Hebe brought her hand up to meet his. A jolt of electricity snapped Hebe as her fingers met his. Hebe pulled her hand back in surprise.

The man's eyes widened in surprise as Hebe jerked her hand back. He looked from his fingers to Hebe before he stood up. Hebe scooted her chair backwards as he stood abruptly. The man paced around the table. Hebe scrambled to her feet and backed away. She continued backing away until she backed into a bookshelf and was forced to stop. Hebe pressed her back against the bookshelf as the man stopped in front of her.

Fear beat in Hebe's chest as her hands looked for books to pull off the shelves in case she needed to wallop the man over the head. Hebe's breath caught in her throat as the man reached slowly out. Hebe flinched and tried to retreat when his fingers brushed against her cheek. As soon as he touched her he disappeared. Hebe remained where she was panting in fear, for a long time before she finally moved. She was rattled far more than she cared to admit. Hebe grabbed her book and exited the library as fast as she could.

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