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(I made that pic uwu)

The pups climbed onto my lap, snuggling into my chest, as Yoongi just sat there, watching us.

"..Does this mean you're my master now.." I hear Yoongi's soft little voice say, as I looked up from the pups, he had his tail between his legs, and his ears flat against his head.

"Yes sweetie, it does." I said, smiling at the him as I pulled him onto my lap, as the pups immediately started to cuddle him, but Yoongi ignored them as he snuggled close to my chest, as I felt him purring.

I swear they're going to kill me with cuteness..

I now had three hybrids clinging to my chest, killing me with their cuteness, "Oh crap.." I said, as the pups looked up at me, "I forgot to get you guys collars.."

Yoongi stopped purring as he heard me, I guess cats don't really like collars, "Come on, we'll go get you guys collars and I'll get you guys ice cream on the way home." I said, patting Yoongi's little head.

"Ice.. Cream?.." Hoseok said as he tilted his head to the side, "Oh right.. You guys have probably never had it.." I said, petting J-Hope's fuzzy little ears.



I walked along the sidewalk, the pups walking beside me, they each had ice cream cones in their hands, and their faces were covered in ice cream. Yoongi, who'd finished his ice cream already, was inside my sweater, cuddling close to my chest. All three hybrids now had little collars around their necks with their name's on them.

After about five minutes the boys finished their ice cream, "Master look.." I heard Hoseok say as I looked down at him, he pointed to the alley beside us, as I felt Jimin cling to my waist.

In the alley were three boys, and a small rabbit hybrid.

The hybrid looked terrified, as the boys kicked and pushed him around, yelling curses and insults at him as they did.

Every mothering instinct I had kicked in as I gently took Yoongi out of my sweater, placing him on the ground next to the pups, "Boys, stay here, mama's got ta go kick some ass." I said as I approached the three boys and the hybrid.

"Aw, trying to run away you little shit?" I heard one of the boys say, as he kicked the little hybrid again, his back slamming against the wall.

The poor thing was shaking and crying his eyes out. One of the boys noticed me, "Oi, the fuck are you looking at." He said as the others turned around.

"Let the boy go and I'll leave you assholes alone.." I threatened, as one of the others spoke, "This one's nothing but a brat, sweetheart. So piss off before you get hurt." He said as I heard growling from behind me.

I heard the three boys laughing as I turned around to see Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi on all fours, growling at the boys, "Aww, they think they're scary~" One of the boys said before Yoongi pounced, scratching and biting at their legs with his tiny cat fangs.

Surprisingly, the boy started screaming and trying to shake Yoongi off of him, "AY GET THIS LITTLE SHIT OFF OF ME!" He yelled as I ran to Yoongi, yanking him off of the boys leg.

I held the screaming kitten up in front of the three of them, "Give me the hybrid or I'll let this ball of anger loose." I said, a smirk appearing on my face as the boys backed up a bit.

"Fine.." One of them said before storming off, signaling for the others to follow.

After they left I put the still screaming Yoongi down next to Jimin and Hoseok who were still growling. I looked to the rabbit hybrid, who I noticed was wearing nothing but a black sweater that was way to big for him.

I crouched down in front of him, as he grabbed his black bunny ears and pulled them in front of his eyes, "Hey.. I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to help you okay?" I said as the black haired bunny hybrid suddenly ran into my chest, cuddling close to me.

My god I think my heart is going to melt..

My Seven Hybrids || Hybrid Bts x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now