Not an update, final!! (New account!)

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All right, I'm sure many of you know already I will not be continuing this book, or any book on this account for that matter.

I'm just not really into bts anymore, fanfiction too, is getting a bit boring.

BUT, I've made a new account, 

I'm writing my first original story, about gay victorian vampires 😳

I'm really proud of how far I've come with it so far, and how my writing has improved over the years.

I'm sorry to say this is the official end of My Seven Hybrids, and of this account, but I'm going to be pretty active on my new account!

( Here's a preview of A Vampire's Grace, I'm really proud of it and I hope you enjoy <3 )

It was a lovely night to be dead.

The full moon was high and beautiful in the night sky, bright against the dark grey blanket of clouds that blocked out the stars, as the newly turned vampire stumbled down the cracked stone path, freezing rain soaking his torn jacket as the bone-chilling wind blew straight through the leather and to his core.

Mud caked leather boots scraping and tripping against the jagged stones below with great thunks, the vampire wearily gazed around the old alleyways with tired crimson eyes, earning suspicious and sometimes terrified looks from men who looked like they could tear him apart, and children who knew nothing of the monster that passed him by, without a second glance. Here and their women clutched their clasped hands to their chests and whispered a prayer.

He looked a mess, mud coating his boots entirely, the hem of his leather coat ruined and cracked by rain and wear. His chestnut hair gathered in damp clumps stuck around his neck, which bore a red ring around it from endless attempts and failures to end his own life. He considered pulling the collar of his coat up to hide it, but he didn't see the point.

Since no inn would accept him he was forced to sleep outside, and the seemingly endless rain did not help. Waking sore every day, he grew wearier, walking without purpose through towns. At first, he was looking for help, perhaps trying to track down the man who did this to him.

For a moment he shut his eyes tightly, trying to block out the images that came with the thought of that man, but to no avail. For lack of a better word to describe how he felt, he was furious, disgusted, he hated him. The one who made him a monster, the one who took his mother from him.

But what could he do, plot revenge? Track him down and give him the slow, painful death he clearly deserved? Yeah, right. Even if the little vampire found him, what could he do? He wasn't certain if he could even be killed, and he knew for a fact the bastard was much, much stronger than he was.

So what now?

I'm so proud of it and I've got the whole book planned out, along with a sequel 😳 I also made a tumblr page for it:

And obviously I wouldn't leave you guys without more pics of me, you little simps

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Feast, gremlins.

I'm so grateful for all the love I've gotten for this book, it seriously would have ended up being like 3 chapters without you guys.

Until we meet again, 사랑 해요!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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