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hostage - Billie Eilish

I turned around when I heard something snap. But I couldn't see anything except for corn. I backed up, and decided to go the other way, now completely turned around in the field, not remembering which way was where. My heel dug into the dirt as I stepped through another wall of corn, and then my footing slipped, and I fell. I heard the retched scream escaping my mouth, too surprised by the sharp pain to help it. Burning pain shot through my ankle. I pushed off the ground and tried to get the weight off my foot, hovering it an inch above the ground. I sat up and looked at it, it was twisted at a strange angle. I put my hand on my mouth to cover up my whimpering. I'll never be able to dance again. My foot was swelling, I reached down to look at it closer, the strap of my heel now looked too tight. Your career is over. I was trying to get it to unbuckle when I heard him walk up behind me.

"Are you alright?" he asked from a distance.

I whimpered and tried to stand up to get away again, but when I put pressure on my foot it shot pain all the way up my leg. I fell down and tried to crawl away, but it was no use, he cautiously walked up to me, and I wasn't getting anywhere.

"Let me look at that," he said, kneeling down, taking my foot in his hand. I laid there on the ground, getting dirt in my hair, and wondered if he was looking up my short dress while he was at it. His touch was gentle on my foot, and he undid the buckle, releasing my foot from the strappy hell. "Can you move your foot at all?" he asked.

I scrunched my toes together slowly, though that cause mild pain. When I tried to move the whole foot back and forth or side to side, I could sort of do it, but barely, and only if screamed through gritted teeth and an avalanche of tears.

"I told you not to run," he said, as he scooped me into his arms bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders afraid he was going to drop me. I curled up small and tried not to hyperventilate because this man is going to hurt me, I kept thinking over and over. I cried into his shoulder every time my foot bumped into a corn stalk as he walked us out of the field. My stiletto hung from his fingers and he held tightly onto my thigh. "s'pose you were asking for it for wearing slutty shoes like these ones."

When we got out of the cornfield to the road, he sat me down on the hood of the car and undid my other stiletto. He took them and threw them in the back seat of the car. I sat there and waited trying to stop my crying. The metal underneath me was warmed by the sun, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

When he got back he said, "Okay, now I'm giving you a choice, if you're going to be nice you can sit up front with me again, but if you're going to throw a fit I can just throw you in the boot."

I bit my cheeks, like I was thinking about it, gathering all the saliva in my mouth. I cocked my head to the side and he had an eager smile on his face, so sure of himself. He got closer to me, putting his hands on either side of my thighs, his thumbs brushing up against my skin. "Come on, you know you want to sit up front."

I spit at his face.

He jumped back, wiping away my saliva that was tinged red. "Okay then," he gritted, "boot it is."

He scooped me up, "Wait, please. No," I begged, pushing at his hands. But he continued walking to the back, "No, I'm sorry, please. I thought you were joking, don't put me in the trunk."

"I gave you a choice," he said. "I really wanted you up front with me, but if you're not going to be nice, I think it's better if you cool off and take some time to think about what you actually want." He held me tight as he reached for the handle to open the trunk, I wiggled and pushed away from him in his arms, enough to fall onto my feet. It was a bad idea because when my twisted foot hit the ground I keeled over. He bent down and lifted me back up and set me down in the trunk like I weighed nothing. I kept my legs hanging out and tried to grab the edge to pull myself out, keeping him from shutting the door. But he kept pushing me in, and lifting my legs to bend them in. "Please, just calm down, I don't want to pinch any of your fingers, or shut it on your head, so lay down."

"Please don't do this," I begged. "Let me sit up front, I promise I'll be good. Please."

But he shook his head, holding me down, and gently closing the trunk, closing off the sunlight. I was trapped in darkness. I had to remind myself to breath when I realized I was holding in a breath. There wasn't any space to move, and if I moved my twisted foot at all it bumped into a wall or ceiling and hurt. And it was hot, so hot I couldn't breath even when I tried. The car motor started, and we were driving again. All I could do was stare at the colorful dust particles as they drifted past my eyes and asked myself over and over again why had I gotten into this car?


I'm going to be honest with you guys, I started writing this story because I haven't seen my boyfriend in four months and I really miss him. But I'm heading back to school right now, and I'm going to see him this weekend, and I'm really excited. But the really scary thing isn't that I'm seeing him again for the first time in four months, it's that we're going to be living together, and oh boy, I knew it was a stupid decision when I made it half a year ago. (It was decided before we started dating.) Like, if I was smarter, and my life was a sitcom, we would have done that slowburn and mutual pining thing at least until halfway through this next school year, and it could have been like one of those cute fanfictions, but nope.

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