Chapter 16

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I awoke the next morning feeling the skin on my wrist and ankles searing off under the silver, yet every two seconds new skin would grow, only to be burnt off again. I needed to escape here quickly. If Kane took me to the same place he kept me before, then I know where I am. Deep in the forest, so deep in fact that the rays of the sun never really reached past the leaves of the tallest trees, leaving the forest floor dark, cold and wet. They will never find me here.

I started pulling my arm trying to break the already weak bolt, with my fast draining werewolf strenght. I really hated silver, it was such a pain in the ass if you were a werewolf. The pounding in my head had stopped, which meant that the Wolvesbane was out of my system by now, giving me a little strenght back. My stomach was rumbling like crazy and I was starving. Two days without food isn't that bad, but if you are a werewolf, you have a huge appetite and even being without food for more than four to five hours was hard. 

I heard the latch on the door move and I stopped moving my arm and slumped my head to the side, apearing to be asleep. When Kane's scent hit my nose, I stapped my eyes open and looked at him. His silver hair was braided back and he was wearing long sleeved shirt and jeans. In his arms he held a massive pot of boiling stuuf. I tried smelling it, but it smelled like nothing. Kane put the pot on the table and walked towards me.

"Good morning my love. I do hope you had a good night's rest. Today is going to be fun", he lift his hand to stroke my cheek, but I pulled away.

"Don't fucking touch me!", I hissed. Kane looked at me and smiled evilly, he took his hand and ran it down my body, he cupped my breast, squeezing it. He grabbed a hold of my shirt and ripped in off my body. Leaving me chained to a wall in nothing but jeans and a bra.

"What are you going to do now?" he asked as he ran his fingers down my stomach, I moved and bucked my body away from his touch. Kane ran his tongue up my neck and bit my ear, whispering, "The more you fight me Rianni, the more I get turned on".

His words and tongue burnt my skin, while he took in my scent I acted fast and clamped my teeth onto his neck bitting into the soft flesh. I threw my head back, successfully ripping a chunck of flesh from his neck. Kane stumbled back, cluching a hand to the large wound on his neck, the blood oozing out between his fingers.

I spit his flesh out of my mouth and smiled, "Don't fucking touch me again Kane", I warned in a low tone. Kane growled at me and soon his fist collied with my face. My head spun back and black dots was playing infront of my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Kane standing infront of me, with the boiling pot of something infront of him. Smiling, he tilted the pot and I was showered in boiling liquid silver. The pain was indesricable. My skin started to burn from the bone, my hair was falling out, my face was alight with a fire I didn't know exsisted. I was so distracted in my pain, not hearing my scream being ricochetted around the small room. I didn't hear Kane laughing and I didn't hear the door not being locked.

After hours of sobbing and most of the liquid had fallen away from my body, I felt the skin being to regrow, my hair being regrown, my senses returning and the pain slowly fading. I was slumped against the wall, not having any strenght left. I was defeated. My loved ones will never find me. My wolf has left me and I was weak again. Kane will keep me locked up like he has before. He will rape me and starve me and beat me again.

We are strong Rianni. We will kill him and we will return to our loved ones. We will. I felt overjoyed to hear and feel the presence of my wolf in my head again. I have never felt so alone, but she was here. She made me strong. Mai, I'm so glad you are back. We need to get out of here. My wolf growled in agreement. Rianni, he didn't lock the door.

I smiled. I closed my eyes and thought of all I have been through, how long I waited to meet my wolf, how much I loved my mate and brother, how much I missed them and my pack. I took a deep breath and with all the strength I could muster, I pulled my hand away from the wall. CLANK. The weak bolt finally broke and the chain fell to the floor.

I pulled the shackle from my other arm with my free hand and smiled in satisfaction when it broke after a few tries. I was still weak from the silver. I sat down on the ground to rest my tired legs and started to work on freeing my ankles from the shackles. It took a long time, but finally both my feet were freed.

I walked towards the door, before I saw the many torture weapons on the table. I picked up a silver blade and pulled the big iron door open. Once I was out of the room, many scents filled my nose. The first scent was that of wet forest floors, so I had been right with the location Kane took me too. At the thought of his name, anger rushed through my veins and I suppresed the growl that tried to escape my mouth. I lifted my head in the air and took a deep whiff. The familiar scent of my enemy filled my nose.

I followed it down the hall and infront of a door. His scent was the strongest here. I threw open the door and saw a startled Kane looking up at me. He jumped up from his chair and struggled backwards.

"How did you get out?!" he screamed.

I ran up to him and using my werewolf strength, adrenaline and anger rushing through my veins I threw myself at him, tackling him to the ground. I lifted my arm to plummet it into his heart, but he knocked it out of my hand and threw me to the side. I got up and looked at him as he changed. Suddenly the room was smaller, but I shifted into my big wolf too.

Let me kill him Rianni, let me do it! My wolf yelled at me. It was harder to keep her in control once you were in your wolf form. Before I could do anything, I felt myself being pushed to the back of my mind and my wolf taking over.

After a few minutes, I opened my eyes. I was lying naked on the floor of the room I found Kane in. I sat up, winching in pain. I looked at myself. I was covered in blood, with a big bite mark on my side, still gushing out blood. That's going to take long to heal. My leg was sheared open and I had a bit gash down my back and a bite mark on my neck. I tried talking to Mai, but she didn't answer. Probably healing herself.

I looked around the room and saw that Kane was torn apart, limb form limb. I couldn't help but smile in pride at my wolf. She was one hell of a fighter when she was pissed. I stood up, holding onto the bite mark on my side. I walked away from the room slowly. My feet scraping on the floor. I didn't have enough energy to pick them up. I made my way out of the house and was surrounded by the dark forest around me.

I looked around, trying to remeber the path I took the first time. Coming up empty, I just headed North. I stumbled over a few rocks and stray tree roots. My feet was full of mud and my face and hands was smeared with mud. My hair was wet and filled with leaves. The "escape" through the forest was excrutuatingly slow.

Just as I lost hope, I saw the faint light fluttering through the leaves, falling in small patches on the forest floor. I started walking there with more speed and determination. But my foot caught on a root and I fell to the ground. I hit my head pretty hard and I was consummed by darkness.

I wanted Rianni to safe herself from the evil. I wanted to something different from the guy always saving the girl ( I think that is bullshit, girls shouldn't be portreyed as weak) and I wanted her to be a strong character.

Sorry that you had to wait so long for a update. Story will be ending soon. PLEASE comment and VOTE for my story. Thank you so much for reading and supporting me =D


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