The red-haired student pointed a finger in the direction that Bakugou had gone and glanced down at Midoriya who had an undecipherable look on his face. "Midoriya! Did you see that? Bakugou just...he just..."

Midoriya didn't reply as he stared at the spot where the blonde-haired student was a while ago, trying to figure out why he wasn't his usual self. His eyes widened when he remembered what day it was today.

That explained why Bakugou wasn't his usual self because it was the day he lost someone closed to him.

It was the day he last saw her.


"What the f*ck do you mean she's missing?!

"Bakugou-san, please calm down." The teacher tried to calm the agitated blonde, but it was a hopeless attempt as the boy refused to listen to her words.

It had been a week since (Name) hadn't turned up to school and her teacher was worried sick, so she called her parents to only learn that the girl had been missing for days.

Her parents asked the teacher to ask around the class when was the last time they saw her. Many of them said it was when class ended for the day and she left the school compound with both Midoriya and Bakugou.

Since Bakugou was the last person that (Name) hung out with before she went missing, the police approached the young boy to question him. However, it was futile because the last time he saw his friend was when she left the park to go home.

That's when they came to the conclusion that (Full Name) was officially missing. Heroes had been sent out to find the missing child, but after a year of searching, they gave up.

Ten years had passed and till today, the girl was nowhere to be found. Soon, everyone assumed she was dead. All but one.

Bakugou Katsuki refused to believe that his friend was dead, she had to be alive. After all, she promised him that she would see him at school and deep down he knew that (Name) wasn't one to break a promise.

Soon, he too began to give up thinking that she was ever alive and came to terms that the girl who was his only friend was no more.

The locker door slammed shut, the banging sound echoing throughout the empty changing room. Bakugou stood there, dressed in a fresh uniform, the dirty one kept in his school bag.

A towel was resting over his head, wet locks sticking to his forehead. Letting out an annoyed grunt, the boy dried his hair and dumped the wet towel in the waste basin.

"It isn't your fault, Bakugou-san. You couldn't have predicted that such a thing will happen."

"If I had walk home with that dipshit that day, she would've still been here! I could've prevented her from going missing, but I didn't because I trusted her which was the most f*cking foolish thing I've ever done!"

"I should've walked you home that day, but I didn't," Bakugou muttered, his hands curled into fists, the nails digging into his skin. "It's all my fault."

"Tch!" The blonde gritted his teeth as unwanted memories sprang to mind no matter how hard he tried to suppress it.

He let out a gasp when he felt a sudden pain in his chest. He clutched his chest with one hand, his once neat and pristine uniform now crumbled due to the tight hold. Without even knowing, Bakugou had punched the locker, leaving a dent where his fist once was.

His back met the cold metal of the lockers as he slid down onto the floor. Hugging his legs close to his chest, he wrapped his arms around them and buried his face.

I'm Here For You (Bakugou x Villain!Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن