Chapter 15: Aftermath

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Hiccup's POV:

Since the events of the big battle with the Queen, which is now named the Red Death, and concluded my first trial in fulfilling the prophecy. Now, nothing else seems as... thrilling. I mean it has been very busy for me, relieving any tensions between the insecure Vikings and jittery dragons since I can help translate. This new relationship is still pretty new, which might be a good thing since Berk has literally not changed in decades. Not even the weather...

I wake up in my new "bed" a few days since the fight, wondering what's in store. When I rise up, I see a bowl of raw fish waiting for me. So I walk and start swallowing the fish whole without thinking twice. I find it funny that I used to think raw fish was disgusting and now here I am, eating it like it's cooked. It actually doesn't that bad ever since I started eating it since cooking the fish was hopeless. I decide to head to the Dragon Arena where it was the academy to train new Vikings, ready to kill dragons. Now, it's a hangout place for me and the Defenders of Berk (I wish the name could be something else, but I got overruled). Along the way, Gobber and my father come up to me, with Gobber gasping for breath.

"Hiccup!" Shouts my father. "We need to talk."

I'm just going to go ahead and pray to the Gods that it's good news.

"We have a problem." He continues.

Well, thanks again, great Gods of this great island.

"A Gronckle got scared of one of the Vikings here," He explains, as I'm sure that's exactly how it happened and not a Viking trying to protect his pride. "And accidentally broke the pen holding all of our sheep. I need you and your Defenders to quickly get them all back before the other Vikings realize and panic."

I wonder who had the idea to put all of Berk's sheep in one place.

Alright, dad. I'll get all the sheep before the end of the day. Meanwhile, you try to keep the Vikings from finding out. I scratch in runes as best I could. I really need to learn how to be able to speak again, otherwise scratching everything is really annoying.

When I arrive at the Arena, Astrid and Stormfly are already there, with Astrid training by throwing axes and practising with Stormfly. So I tell her before gathering the rest of the Defenders to tell them the situation, including Toothless who is still glaring at me from the incident a few days ago. The reactions were very interesting, coming from insecure moody Viking teenagers.

"THE SHEEP ARE GONE?! What are we going to eat?! Oh gods, the end is here!" Cries out Snotlout in desperation.

Well instead of complaining how about you help me find the sheep so you can eat all the meat you want. Or, maybe we should just forget about it and become vegetarian, wouldn't that be nice.

"Are you CRAZY!?!" Replies Snotlout as he quickly hops onto Hookfang. "Let's get going!"

"Alright you heard the boys, let's catch ourselves some sheep." Says Astrid, smiling at my sentence.

Since now everyone is eager to help find the sheep, in no time we are all prepared to go find the sheep. I'm still laughing on the inside because even if we didn't have sheep, we could still eat the chickens, fish or yaks. Anyways, everybody is ready so I nod and we all launch in the general direction of where the sheep would've scattered and split up. While the other dragons are fast, I'm falling behind since flying is still relatively new to me. Not too long after we split up, I found myself a sheep in the middle of a clearing. Huh, strange. I fly down carefully but still land terribly.

I quickly pick myself up and I approach the suspicious sheep in the clearing, munching on grass. Since nothing is wrong, I prepare to grab it when a net lands on top of me, trapping me.

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