"So you were there. I thought I heard you, screaming my name after the explosion. I should be asking why you felt it was your right to invade my mind," he roared, making me take a protective step backwards.

"You think I asked for any of this bollocks to happen to me?" I snapped. "And that is bloody rich coming from you Kieran. Of course you would never invade someone's consciousness . Am I mistaken that it was you who interrogated me in my sleep or am I just making things up now?"

"Don't be afraid to be truthful Kieran, I am an ex psycho after all," I seethed.

"It's not the same thing!" he retorted.

"Oh really, it's not the same?" I sighed, the fury dripping slowly out of me so I was left sad rather than angry.

"Kieran, if you knew that I was there could you not have presumed I was worried about you? Could you not have used whatever the hell connects us to tell me you were alive, that you were OK? Do you not think I care about what happens to you?" My voice had fallen into an exasperated whisper. Tears were forming in my eyes. I didn't care if he saw me cry. Let him see the anguish he'd caused.

"I had never imagined you capable of reaching me like that. And I told you that I would always come back, I thought it would be enough," he confessed.

I could tell Beth. Mandy, Jude and Sophia were looking on at us, as well as the rest of the rapidly filling playground.

"You thought I'd never guess you were involved in a suicide bombing attack? I was there Kieran, in your mind. I witnessed everything you did. After the explosion how could I not wonder if you were dead? That's when I lost you." I clutched my head.      

"None of this is normal! Nothing I know or feel makes sense anymore." Kieran stared at me blankly. "Nothing? You're just going to stand there." A stray tear trickled down my face.

"Please, don't cry." Kieran sighed reaching out to sweep the tear away. I smacked his hand away fiercely, now angrier than he could possibly have understood.

"Leave me alone," I murmured before turning and walking away from him. I hung my head so that I couldn't see the faces of the surprised onlookers. Beth, Jude and Mandy soon caught up with me - Sophia probably staying behind to console Kieran.

"What the hell that all about?" Beth challenged.

"You wouldn't understand because I certainly don't," I spat.

"I don't know what he's said or done Chris, but surely after all he's been through you could cut the guy a little slack," Beth said in his defence. I inhaled deeply.

"To be perfectly frank Beth I don't feel that cutting him slack will make me feel better. I told him what he deserved to be told. If you want to go back and smother him, then be my guest. As for me, I'm going straight to registration. If you do feel the need to go back and check on him don't go making apologies on my behalf." Mandy and Beth looked petrified of me and scarpered. Jude on the other hand couldn't be happier.

"Finally our Chris got some balls!" She laughed heartily as she accompanied me into the school, arm draped across my shoulder. At least she was feeling better.

Later, summoned by the bell, Beth and Mandy joined Jude and I for registration. They reeked of guilt.

"So what did you tell him?" I asked as we waited to be let into the classroom. Beth and Mandy exchanged cautious glances.

"We only went to check if he was OK," Beth said.

"We also said that you were worked up and having an off day. I know you told us specifically not to but Kieran's a nice guy and we didn't think you'd want whatever it is you're angry about to get in the way of your friendship." I could see that Mandy was sorry for interfering where I'd told her not to and with a face like hers you could never stay mad for long.

"Look guys I said what I needed to say and at the end of the day it's Kieran who needs to apologise to me, not the other way around. Until then can we get on with things?" They all shrugged and agreed. With a sigh of relief I walked calmly into registration, my friends following closely behind me.

All I had to do for now was to follow my own advice and get on with it. How hilarious a concept considering the Indigo Boy knew better that to give up.


Oh, raging. What do you think? Did Chris overract or was she right to call Kieran out? Let me know what you think by comment and conversing. A vote would be wonderful too! 

Read. Imagine. Inspire. 

Bekah x

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