Chapter 14, Revelation: plan.

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Chapter fourteen, Revelation: Plan

I was with a side I was against, surrounded by people I wanted dead; and all I could think of was a boy that had died three years ago. I wanted him to pass me food under the table again, I wanted him to pass money through the bottom of my door, I wanted to talk to him and I wanted to joke about the weather with him. But I couldn’t. Because the queen; the very woman I was living with, had shot him in the head in front of my own eyes.

There was no denying she had done it. And if you asked her, she’d probably smile proudly. I don’t know why she had done it. Revenge?

I had people that cared about me, I had a pack saving me; she just had gunmen running off scared. She wanted to show me that she was better, she wanted to prove a point.

Well, point proven.

She was stronger, better, more organised, fearless, desperate and everything else under the sun. But she didn’t have people to save, she had armies to waste. She had no reason, no point but herself. She would kill all of her men if it meant her royalty being preserved.

But I had people to fight for. I had lives in my hands. I had guilt and responsibility.

I had need.

The queen did not need to find Eustatia. She did not need to win a war. She was untouchable.

I needed to save Eustatia; my people. I needed to win a war; I had the responsibility to represent what was right with the world and I had the responsibility to win for what was right with the world.

And for that I cried. I cried for Tate. I cried for my mother; the murderer. I cried for Max. I cried for my people. I cried for Lucas; who was sitting in a room in love with what he thinks is a traitor.

It hurt me to keep it from him, but if I were to even wink in his direction he’d be shot and Eustatia burned.

I didn’t know how I was going to do it. I didn’t know what I was even going to do. But I knew I was going to save Eustatia. I didn’t care if it meant strapping a bomb to myself and blowing up the files, I would do it.

Wait, what?

That was one way to get rid of the files. Burn them. Bombs.

How would I get there?

“Are you ok?” Max asked, outing out a hand for me to take.

And I sat there for a minute wondering if it was a sign. Max was air-force. He could fly planes. He could teach me how to fly planes. I could fly a plane. The planes here probably had bombs in them.

I had been staring at Max for a while, and he was looking at me with a mildly confused expression. I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it and instead took his hand.

I wiped away the tears as I stood, and Max looked away, as if to give me privacy.

“How did you end up down here?”

“I don’t even know where down here is,” I admitted, looking around at the empty corridor.

“It’s my room,” Max said, with a smirk on his face. My eyebrows raised and I thought that if anyone out there was trying to tell me something, this was their way. Planes.

I had a plan. Well, maybe not a plan, but an Idea. And hope. I had hope now.

“Ahh, of course,” I said, rolling my eyes, and trying my best not to smile at my new found optimism.

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