Chapter 9, Revelation: Love is a weird thing

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Chapter nine, Revelation: Love is a weird thing

“So what do we do?” I asked desperately from the other side of the cage. He looked down before wiping the last of the dried blood from his face. And then he just shrugged.

I glared at him, hoping he’d get the message that I would kill him if he didn’t at least try to protect Eustatia.

“Cathy, it’s over.” He sighed, stretching his head back and then bringing it back to stare at me. “Don’t kid yourself. We lost. We were always going to lose.”

I squinted my eyes at him. “It wasn’t about winning. It was about keeping our islands safe.”

He shook his head, laughed a little and then closed his eyes. “It’s a war, Cathy. Do you know what a war is?” He asked, but I didn’t move from my place. “It’s an argument that both sides think they can win.”

“I never thought we could win.” I pointed out, reminding him that he’d literally just said we were never going win.

He stroked his forehead with his hands then opened his eyes again. He looked dirty and cold. I wish I could’ve helped him in his sorry state. He’d lost everything in a matter of minutes.

But so had I.

“We can’t do anything else. It isn’t possible. We’ve run out of back up plans.” He closed his eyes again and then rest his head against the cage wall.

“You think I would get caught and have no plan?” I said, a little proud of the small plan I’d been embarrassed of a few minutes ago. “You should know better, Lucas.” My voice was definitely making fun of him now. He suddenly perked up, raising his head so he could see me. “But now it’s your turn. I have plans to make up for my mistakes, now you make your plans.”

“Well, if you mean my mistake as in leaving the files on Necker, there is only one thing to do. And you won’t like it.”

“Try me.”

He took a small breath and then raised his eyebrows as if he wasn’t sure whether or whether not to tell me.

“If Necker island was bombed, then the files would be gone-”

“No.” I had said before he could finish his sentence.

“Told you.” He pointed out, straightening his back slightly.

“There are innocent people on Necker. We can’t.” But I couldn’t help but want to. There were innocent people on Eustatia too. Who deserved their lives more? That was a question I could never answer.

“Ah, yes, the innocent people that happened to murder our whole army?” He laughed sickly, looking disgusted at something. Maybe it was me, or maybe it was them.

“Our whole army, who happen to murder their army too.” I pointed out.

Our army.” He snapped at me like he was angry, “Who happen to be a part of our pack.”

I stood silently at the side of the cage. Lucas’s eyes seemed to shiver with intensity in the bright lights.

Our pack.

My pack.

The pack I should be protecting.

Because that’s what Alpha’s do.

“You have to put your pack before anyone else now, Cathy. You’re an alpha. You’ve been an alpha for three years, I thought you would’ve figured that out by now.” Lucas said quietly, almost a whisper.

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