Chapter 7 Revelation: I was bait

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Chapter seven, Revelation: I was bait

It'd been hours since we'd taken off. And as if the time wasn't enough, we were all cold to the point of freezing into live popsicles and being thrown around left and right because of the turbulence.

Then it occurred to me that if this plane were to crash we would have means of escaping. We could either stay in the storage area, slowly watching the water dribble in from the edges of the hatch, or we could run to the other door, exposing ourselves to the queen.

The queen: who wouldn't die in the crash and would probably kill us all with her bare hands in the ocean and then swim away. Charming.

"What's wrong?" Phoenix walked up to me and slumping himself down on the ground.

"What's wrong?" I laughed, almost hysterically.

"Ok, alright, bad question." Phoenix threw his hands up in the air like he had been defeated and I had to bite my tongue not to laugh. He was being the old Phoenix again.

We sat in silence for a few seconds, with Phoenix searching my face for something.

"Are you afraid of dying?" He finally asked me. I turned to him slowly, because I'd always avoided thinking about it. I would have to die eventually, I knew it. The queen was going to kill me sometime because it wasn't like I could kill her. I sighed.

"I don't know. I'm more afraid of other people dying." I shrugged slightly, "I guess I'm selfish because I don't want you guys to leave me."

"I think that's the opposite of selfish." Phoenix laughed, but he was interrupted by the sudden shake of the plane. I had to throw my hands down to stable myself. Phoenix wasn't quick enough and he wobbled ungracefully to the ground. I laughed quietly at him.

"What about you?" I asked, tilting my head.

"If Elizabeth can do it, so can I." He said simply and I looked away. The only reason she could do it was because of me.

And in that moment, it felt like we were in the queen's death waiting room again. Alone, with no escape. And I was stupid enough to believe that when the pack came it was my escape. But there wasn't an escape. Not really. I was born the daughter of the queen and I would die by her hands.

"Sorry." He mumbled to the ground, about to get up from lying down.

"You aren't the one who should be apologising." I replied. It should be me. But I hadn't.

He nodded. "I'll pin the queen down and make her apologise myself."

"That's not what I meant," I frowned, "And also, the queen is immortal."

"Just because she won't die doesn't mean she doesn't feel pain.

"I don't think she feels anything." I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"She scares you." He said, simply and out of the blue, like it was obvious.

I shrugged, "She is this immortal creature from the depths of hell trying to kill me and everything I love. Why wouldn't I be scared of her?"

"Because evil never wins."

"That's rubbish. Evil only ever loses in the movies. Have you watched the news lately?" I replied, almost angrily.

"Can't we pretend this is a movie?" Phoenix asked, smiling like a cute little boy.

"No." I said exactly at the same time as another stroke of turbulence hit and we were shook to the cold ground. And then he turned to me with watery eyes. I'd seen him cry once, I didn't want to see it again.

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