Chapter 10, Revelation: everything pointed to me

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Chapter ten, Revelation: Everything pointed to me

 The queen, when she was done with using me as a punching bag to spite Lucas, called for a guard. Phoenix was the guard who ran to the room first, luckily enough for us. I didn’t know what I would’ve done if it had been someone who hated me just as much as the queen.

“Yes, your majesty?” He said, his head bowed and his face hidden under his cap. I saw Lucas shuffle around. I glanced at him from where I was laying and tried to tell him not to say a word.

Knowing Lucas, he would scream at Phoenix for betraying him. But as Lucas was hardly paying any attention to him or his nose, I didn’t think he realised. He was staring at me.

I would’ve sold my soul to know what he was thinking. His eyes were glazed, but no tears had fallen. He had since but let go of the cage’s walls and instead sat down and watched. I could see something in him telling him to turn away, but the way his lips were set in a firm line, I knew he wasn’t going anywhere.

Did he think I was weak as I lay in my own blood?

“Take Cathy to the next room.” The queen said before strolling out of the door, he golden dress stained a little red at the bottom.

“No.” Lucas whispered, “You can’t leave me.”

“Lucas, it’s fine–”

“You?!” Lucas gasped, standing bolt upright, “You trait–”

“No, Lucas it’s fine.” I said from the floor. He immediately shut up, looking down at me with the same distant expression as before.

Phoenix walked cautiously over to me and put his arms under my neck and body. He looked almost as scared as Lucas. I guess we hadn’t planned this bit.

“What happened?” He asked quietly, as if the queen could hear.

“I think she wanted to make Lucas scared.” I glanced over to him momentarily seeing the a face that told me that it had worked. Phoenix looked at his alpha and bowed his head.

“What are you doing here?” Lucas whispered. Everyone had stopped moving and you would hear a pin drop.

“Same reason as Cathy.” Phoenix looked down at me, slowly raising me up. His arms were wrapped around me so tightly it hurt. “Can you walk?” He looked down at my legs and I nodded, biting my lip.

I could already feel the oncoming bruises. My legs would look purple by tomorrow and I wouldn’t be in a fit state to walk. Were we going to land tomorrow? How long had we been flying?

“Do you know where the queen’s base is?” I asked Phoenix as he helped me limp towards Lucas.

“Greenland,” Phoenix said surely.

Lucas looked at him sceptically. “How does she not pick up your scent?” He asked.

“You can ask Fi when we get off.” I said, clutching to Phoenix as if my life depended on it.

“Fi? I thought… I thought they died.” He looked down at then back up to me hopefully and I think that was the first smile I’d seen on him today.

“Fi, Nelly and Lupa.” I nodded, now trying to reach out for the cage’s metal so I could say some sort of goodbye until we landed.

He smiled again and leant his head on the metal bars.

Then it hit me. What if she was separating us so she could get rid of Lucas? What if while I was alone in another mystery room, she was in here, playing on his feelings again. What if he did something stupid?

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