Chapter 42

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As soon as Y/N pulled into the school grounds she messaged Tae to meet her at the carpark with the other boys and so they did.

As soon as she saw them she broke into tears and told them everything about yesterday, all the boys pulled her into a hug and they understood.

They felt so bad for Y/N that she had to go through that, as they walked through the hallways and the girl who Y/N fought with was stood by her locker.

She had a broken nose and that was it, she stood up right and put her face right into Y/Ns face.

Before Y/N could tell her to fuck off Jungkook suddenly stepped in the middle and stared right into the girls soul.

She looked at Jungkook and the other boys who were stood round Y/N in a very defensive manor.

Jungkook leaned forward into her ear and whispered something but I couldn't quite hear which was annoying.

She turned around quickly and told her posse that they were leaving, they all flicked their hair and walked off.

Jungkook turned round and looked at me, I asked him what he told her but he just said, "let's just say that they won't be bothering you again."

I hugged him and we walked to maths with Jimin and Tae.

We sat in our usual space and we were all talking like nothing had happened which was nice.

"Psst Y/N." I scrunched my eyebrows as I heard someone call my name, I looked over at Tae and he looked panicked.

"Help me Y/N I don't understand this."

I leant towards Tae and was about to tell him when suddenly Jimin turned round and he had his hands on the desk wanting to hear too.

I then heard a chair move next to me and Jungkook had also moved closer to me, they were all listening to me as I explained the questions but they were not understanding it at all.

I explained again but nope, still clueless.

"I don't get it Y/N why do you carry the 4."

"Because you need to Tae to get that number to 44."

"What why do you need it to 44" Jimin asked with a confused expression.

"Because 11 doesn't go into 4 so you make it into 44."

"Why did you square root that number?"

"Because the question asked you to square root it."

"What's a square root?"

"Tae I literally just told you, the square root of a number is the value that when multiplied by itself gives that number. For example 4x4 is 16 so the square root of 16 is 4."

All their mouths were open and they just stared at me absolute clueless.

"Do you two and the others want to come over to mine, and I will tutor you some maths, since our exams are in a couple of days." I offered.

Jimin and Tae nodded, "can we go to mine" Jungkook asked, I stared at him confused because we are literally next door to each other.

"Urm sure, you guys know where that is so I'll meet you there at shall we say 5?"

"Sure noona" they said simultaneously.

I gave up with explaining the questions to them so I just gave them the answers and the wrote them down.

The bell rang for the lesson to finish and as everyone stood up to leave the teacher told everyone to take a seat as she has something to ask.

We all sat back down and looked at each other confused.

"So students we have a camping trip in a week and if any of you guys would like to go there is a sign up sheet at the front of the class."

I looked over at the boys and they did not look interested at all, I shook Taes arm and he glanced at me.

"Tae don't you want to go, it sounds fun."

"Not really."

I turned towards Jungkook,

"Jungkook? What about you?"

"Can't think of anything worse to be honest"

I slumped in my seat and pouted because I wanted to go, Jimin turned round and he saw my sad face, he pulled his chair back so he was rocking on it and he placed his small little hands on my desk.

"I'll go with you Y/N if you really want to go."

My eyes lit up and I nodded, he smiled and nodded his head and turned back around.

When we got the all clear from the teacher everyone left and me and Jimin walked over to the sign up sheet, we wrote out names down and as we turned round to leave Jungkook and Taehyung were stood there with their pens.

"If you two go we all go." Jungkook said with this bunny smile, he walked past me and wrote his name down and Taehyung followed.

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