Chapter 1

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*beep* *beep* *beep*

I squinted my eyes and turned over to my flashing alarm.

I let out a sigh as it said 8.00, I reached over and turned it off and flopped back on the bed and closed my eyes.

As I was drifting back to sleep my bedroom door suddenly opened and my mum came bounding in and started shouting at me to wake up.

I sat up and squinted one eye at her and gave out a big yawn, she suddenly pulled open the curtains and a bright beam of light went straight into my eyes, I gave out a big huff and whipped my body to the side laying in the opposite direction of the sun.

She threw a cardboard box in my direction and ordered me to start packing up my room.

Today was the day that I start my independent life and move to a different country, I currently live in a small town in England and I will now be moving to South Korea and staying in Seoul.

I am currently at university and I decided to spend the last year in Korea and completing my course, at the university in England I do a dance course but when I go to Korea I'm going to do a course where I do a variety of subjects.

My goal in Seoul is to have my own dance studio, but you never know I might get another job.

I pulled my body out of my bed and still squinting my eyes as the bright light came through the curtain, I looked round my room and saw all the boxes of stuff that I have already packed.

I started to feel butterflies in my stomach thinking about my future and who I might meet.

I firstly went to the bathroom to wash my face and started to get ready, I wore a comfy tracksuit and put my hair up in a messy bun.

I came out of the bathroom shuffling my feet and still yawning, I picked up a pile of clothes on the floor and started folding them into my suitcase.

I put all the last minuet stuff into the card board boxes and carried them downstairs.

I was greeted by my dad in the kitchen, he saw me and immediately pulled me into a hug and held me tight.

Y/N- woah dad what's this for?

Dad- I can't believe my little baby is going off to Korea to start her life

He wiped a tear off his face

Y/N- It's exciting Dad, I'll message you all the time! Let's just spend these last few hours together before we go to my flight.

He nodded and carried on cooking pancakes. They smelt very good.

I put all the boxes by the front door and piled them up as high as I could reach.

My mum was helping me carrying them from my room and then lastly it was the last box and my suitcase.

I stood in my door way and felt emotional looking at my very empty room.

I felt my mums presence and she put her arm around me and kissed my cheek.

We stood there together and I shook my head and sniffed, I walked in and got my suitcase and my mum picked up the last box.

I took one last look and then shut my door shut.

I put it by the front door and walked back into the kitchen, the smell of pancakes and sweet aroma hit my nose.

I smiled and went and sat at the breakfast bar.

My dad turned around and put the pancakes on my plate and put all the topping infront of me, I looked up at him and said 'gamsahamnida' and laughed.

He knew that I have been learning Korean but I could tell that he had no idea of what I just said.

I said to him thank you in English and put all the toppings onto my pancake and licked my lips.

I cleaned my plate and went over to the living room where my parents were sat, I sat in the middle of them and we watched some tv.


I looked at my phone and saw that the time said 2.00pm, I stood up and took a deep breath.

My parents looked at me and instantly knew what we had to do.

They stood up and walked to the door, my dad opened the door and there was a guy with his hand up in a fist ready to knock on the door, he said to us that he was the moving guy.

He walked in and picked up the boxes and he was followed by a few other guys, they all picked up my boxes and packed them into the moving truck.

When they were finished they drove off to where they needed to be shipped from.

We got into the car and put my suitcase in the back, and we drove off to the airport.

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