Chapter 41

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WARNING!! This chapter contains self harm and could be graphic for some readers.

I drove straight home and ran into my apartment, tears were streaming down my face and I went straight into my bathroom, I looked in the mirror and saw my reflection.

I had blood on my nose and around my mouth and a black eye.

I was so depressed from today that I just wanted to die, everything that happened was too much and I just wanted to leave so I don't have to live in this world anymore.

These depressed thoughts were going round my head and I felt ill from it all, I just wanted it all to go away.

Jungkook POV
After Y/N ran out of the room I ran after her, but she was gone.

I didn't have time to wait for the boys, I ran straight out of the school gates and ran straight to our apartment block.

It took me a while but I made it, I ran straight up the stairs and I got to her door.

I was breathing hard trying to catch my breath but me breathing was the least of my worries.

I was banging on her door but there was no response, I was so worried about Y/N.

I opened her door and started running around her house shouting her name but I couldn't hear her voice shouting back.

I found these secret stairs and I ran up them and I was in her bedroom, I then heard her crying and my ears pricked up and followed to where the sound was.

I opened the door and Y/N was sat against the wall with blood around her, I looked in her hand and she had a razor blade.

I looked at her thigh and she had cut herself a few times, I collapsed infront of her and ripped the razor out of her hands, I was panicking and I didn't know what to do.

I blamed myself for this because I was too slow coming to her and I couldn't stop her from harming her body.

I pulled my shirt off my body so fast and tied it round her leg, I pulled her into a really tight hug and her head just collapsed on my shoulder, she was crying so loud and to be honest I was crying too.

We stayed there for a while and I finally got the courage to ask her what the fuck happened today.

She pulled away and that was when I saw her black eye and her bloody face, she told me everything, I understood most of it but when she cries and talks it his quite hard to understand what she is saying.

I cleaned up the wound on her leg and bandaged it, I carried her to her bed in bridal style and laid her onto her bed.

I was so concerned about her, I put the cover over her and went to walk off to clear up her mess I stopped when her hand gripped onto my wrist and her blood shot eyes stared into mine and she begged me not to leave her.

My heard hurt, I couldn't believe what she had done to her body, the adrenaline in my body was so high I just wanted to go back in time, I explained to her that I would be back but I needed to clear up her blood.

I got a cloth and wiped it all up her so her bathroom was spotless, I walked back over to the helpless Y/N laying on her bed and she had quietly drifted off to sleep.

I slowly got onto her bed and laid next to her, I snuggled into her body and placed my arm over her stomach, I ended up falling asleep aswell and we just laid there together.


It has now been a few hours later and they were downstairs in her living room, now that she had calmed down Y/N managed to fully explain to Jungkook about her feelings and everything that happened.

He was getting so angry because he didn't know about any of this, he felt so defensive over Y/N.

"Jungkook" Y/N little voice spoke up in the silence and Jungkook turned his head straight in her direction.

"Please do not tell the boys about tonight, it is just between me and you." She started to cry again and Jungkook inched forward on the sofa and placed his hands on hers.

"Noona I promise I will not say a thing." He kissed her on the lips and they stayed cuddled on the sofa until Y/N fell asleep so Jungkook carried her bridal style to her bed and carefully placed her inside.

He pulled the covers over her body and kissed her on the forehead, he turned off the lights and made his way to the sofa where he slept for the night.

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