Ember felt her heart sank deep into her gut, she instinctively backed away as he revealed his true face. He looked nothing like the monstrous creep he is, he had golden auburn hair with small curls and his eyes had an innocent light-brownish color to them. For a split second, Ember had a thought that scared her so much that she had to shake her head and gulp down the nausea that came afterwards.

The thought that this man was gentle and kind because he had a sweet beautiful face.

"Where's the dragon?" He ran up to the bars banging them aggressively despite having alluring dulcet eyes.

"Who are you?" Ember retorted back ignoring the burning feeling of warmth that swirled inside her.

He glared right into her soul making her feel more vulnerable than a baby rukie.

A rukie. The tiniest little meekly creatures that rely on big giant fire dragons guiding them along the way.

"Heh, do my charming looks confuse you?" He smirked manipulatively.

His grungy dirty voice reverberated within Ember's cacophony of thoughts and she growled furiously.

Her eyes shot open wide, "You're nothing but filthy disgusting human trash!" Her saliva spit out onto the horrible man's nose and lips.

He coughed and wiped away her gross spit without breaking eye contact leaving Ember feeling even more hopeless and scared in his captive stare.

"You're coming with me." He snapped strongly as he opened the cage door. He walked in and Ember stepped away until her back was up against the wall.

"No! GO AWAY!" She screamed in frenzied panic.

"You're funny," The man chuckled as he grabbed Ember's wrist and pulled her out of the cage. He pushed Ember into a separate room as he strapped her to the chair. Ember tried to squirm out but she couldn't break free.

There were straps over her wrists and feet. The other guy stood across from Ember menacingly, feeding into the fear that stung inside her chest.

"Hello," He broke the eerie shuffling silence, "excuse me, I've forgotten my manners—my name is Ryan, what's yours, sweetie?" He glanced back at Ember.

"Don't call me that! I'll never answer to you!" Ember yelled as she grunted and shook the chair ferociously.

"Oh oh whoa, quite the feisty one huh? Well, let's make you cooperate." Ryan grinned as he clicked a button on a remote. The chair shocked Ember and zapped her all through her bones.

"AHHHHH!" She screamed in pain as Ryan watched.

"Now tell me, what's your name?" He held her chin and smirked.

Ember was panted expaseratedly, "Ember—my name's Ember."

"There we go! Now that wasn't so hard was it?" He smiled and let go of her chin. Ryan continued to interrogate her, after various shocks, he learned that Ember was a dragon shifter and she had the power of all 5 elemental dragons within her—but she'll never shift for him.

"Oh, we'll see about that." He smirked and laughed as he clicked the button again.

"ARGAHHHHH!!" Ember wailed in pain as her body was shaking. She sobbed as Ryan's men pulled her out of the chair and pushed her back into the cage.

Ryan grabbed her face and whispered into her ear,
"When I come back...  I wanna see my dragon here."

Ember laughed as she pulled away from him.
"Your dragon?" Ember crossed her arms and lowers her voice, "I don't." she spat, furrowing her eyebrows, "belong to anyone." She said softly and slowly.

Ryan pulled away with a grunt, "Guards!" One guard ran over to him, "do you have the serum?" Ryan asked him softly.

"Uhhh... yes.. s-sir." He seemed jumpy and timid. He handed a syringe with mysterious green liquid in it.

"Thank you." He smiled wryly at the guard and the guard gave him a nod as he walked away.

"You see this?" Ryan asked Ember as he walked in circles around her.

She remained silent as fear crept up her spine, trying to figure out his mischievous master plan. Ryan pulled the neck hole of the shirt so her shoulder was exposed. Ember's body started to shake and quiver in fear.

Ember looks at Ivy in the eyes, she mouthed, "I'm sorry..." Ryan raised the syringe and stabs Ember in the shoulder.

"OWWW!!" Ember screamed, "THAT HURTS!" She sobbed as Ryan injected the green stuff inside of her until the needle was empty.

"We could've taken this the easy way. Say goodbye to Ember and hello to... what should I name my new rainbow dragon?"

"It's Spectrum!" Ember yelled at him as she felt her body heat up.

Ryan gasped, "I know! Radiant.." He says dramatically as he pats Ember's shoulder and walks out of the cage. As soon as he slammed the cage door, Ember started screaming in pain as her bones cracked and her skin split apart into scales.

She blacked out and turned into Spectrum. The guards quickly ran in and chained Spectrum down. Then they ran out of the cage. Spectrum roared ferocious in anger.

"Wow that was disgusting but you," He paused as he sighed happily, "are my beauty." Ryan crackled.

EmberTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon