Chapter Thirty-Four

Start from the beginning

Well what do you know, smiling makes him seem like more of an asshole than smirking does. Sometimes it would be lovely to just punch it right off his pretty lips.

The other Raven in her head offered, Or kiss it off, that'd be nice.

Shaking her head, Raven stood up, glad to have her hands off the chilled slate- Azar, it was cold. Suppressing a shiver, Raven looked to Damian, who appeared to have been waiting for her.

In response, he said, "This way.", leading her to the top of the roof. "Watch your step, there's a loose tile there- careful now- just up here."

Following his instructions, Raven worked her way up, knees bent slightly to steady herself. When they had reached the point where they could climb no further, Raven's feet fell on to flat ground, rather than the vertex as she had expected.

Taking a step forwards, realisation dawned upon Raven as she understood that, rather than having the sides of the roof join on a line, this section of the Manor's roof was joined by a small platform. Vision still enhanced, Raven estimated the total size of the platform- which resided rather cosily besides a chimney- to be roughly a meter wide and twice in length. Quite like if someone were to take a large, rectangular slab of stone and slam it on to a roof, besides the chimney. Not all that usual.

"Well?", she asked Damian, spinning to face him, only to find the boy sitting, legs over the side.

"Sit down.", he said, no malice in his voice, steady gaze not faltering to look at her.

Raven sat besides him, tucking herself in next to the brick chimney, "Wha-"

"Look up."

So she did just that.

Before Raven's eyes, a sea of diamonds swathed the world in an ethereal blanket, surreal beyond comprehension. Billions of ballerinas twirling in synchronisation, the stars winked, pirouetting as they pleased. Teasing, taunting. So far, yet so near. Glinting with unspoken promises, daring to allow hope in to the hearts and minds of those who would give themselves the freedom of gazing in to their light. Yet, outshining even those specks of silver in the bejewelled carpet, was the moon. In all it's glory. A pure sphere of light. Words would never be able to do it's celestial beauty justice. A true beacon against the darkness of the night.

Raven's breath stuck in her chest as speech befell her. Carmine orbs having long since faded to amethyst, she fought to shut them. At last succeeding, Raven heaved a heavy sigh, exhaling as if to relieve herself of all the burdens she'd ever borne.

Opening her eyes, Raven untucked her knees, letting her legs dangle over the edge of the mansion, not caring if the cold bit at her toes.

"The view... it's beautiful.", she finally said, resisting her hands on either side of her.

Damian, head tilted upwards still, replied, "It is quite spectacular, isn't it?", he shifted his position to be facing more towards Raven, eyes trained on her, "I often find myself up here- to think, mostly- when I wish to be away from all", he waved his hand in the general direction of the house below, "that."

The demoness too turned to face Damian, leaning a little closer , "I understand what you mean. People can be so..."


"Exactly. I usually mediate the headaches away,", she smiled, "it used to take more than two hours of meditation to keep myself in check, but now,", Raven met his jade gaze, "I can do it in ten minutes- even with my fath- Trigon nagging away."

Shuffling closer, Damian contemplated attempting to keep his heart rate in check, then he threw that idea to the wind- so what if his heart was racing, this was Raven, it wouldn't matter. Up here, in the cold, it was the two of them and the sky: no superheroes; no demons; no worries.

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