Chapter 16

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The way to work the next morning is filled with anxcious thoughts. How am I going to explain yesterday to Paul? Even if we have something going on he is still my boss who has an assistent for a reason. I could beat myself for being so foolish, especially in terms of Harry. I just let everything fall behind for him. As I park my car I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Step by step, Jenny. First you confront Angie, then you take the elevator. After that you gonna go into the office calmly and ask Paul directly for a meeting. Be the one taking charge of the situation, show that you are sorry. You got this.
Walking inside the building in my heels I don't feel as comfortable as usually. It seems like all eyes are on me today. I check once more: Yes, I wear the scarf to hide the hickeys. "Jenny! There you are!" Angie seemingly yells through the whole foyer. I put on a smile and walk towards her as she basically comes running, leaving her work mindlessly behind. Reaching me she hugs me tightly. "My god I was so worried!" She says "No one was able to reach you! We thought something happened!" She says worried and makes me feel even more guilty than usually. "I'm fine" I assure her and stroke her back shortly. I realise that I missed her. I miss my friends, or just a friend. Someone I could talk to about all of this. Instead of telling her any of my worries I ask "Is Mr Johnson mad?" Angie lets go of me and looks in my eyes. Shaking her head she says "Worried is more like it. Viktor said he was very tensed up and not very concentrated." "Now I feel even more bad." I reply without thinking. "Where were you anyway?" Angie finally asks and I swallow. "I can't tell you" Is the only thing I can up with. I would love to tell her I met someone but if Paul and I-that wouldn't look very good. "Jenny?" I suddenly hear behind me and feel like freezing. Paul. That is definitely Paul's voice. I turn around slowly and spot a man with messy hair and red eyes. He hasn't slept. I open my mouth but close it again. "Would you come with me to my office please?" He simply says and seems almost cold. I can't tell if it's madness about me or if he just puts this up because Angie is here. "For sure" I say quietly and look down. As I see his feet moving I follow him quietly to the elevator. Oh I am in deep shit. I start to feel nauscious as we soon step into the lift. Paul still doesn't talk. Some person that is with us in the elevator coughs. Besides there is this cold silence all around. I don't even dare to look at Paul. Trying to calm myself down I imagine how it would be if everything was alright. Would he hold me close?
The doors open at our stop and we get out. Without even going to my desk I follow Paul inside his office. He waits for me to step in before he closes the door. Then locks it. I swallow and look at him. "Where the hell were you?" He hisses softly and steps close to me, gently grabbing my face with his warm hands. "Im so sorry Paul" I whisper and watch his face. The cold is replaced by pain and worry. I wrap my arms tightly around his body and as he lets go of my face I nuzzle my face into his shoulder. Paul wraps his arms around me as well. "You know if we weren't that close and you would do your job terrible I would have fired you now." He says and lets his hand slide up and down my back. "It is your right to still do so." I say softly. Suddenly it dawns me: Maybe Harry wanted this to happen so I get kicked out and have to work for him again. Then again he wants the deal with Paul... "No" Paul simply replies and still doesn't let go. I gently stroke over his head and kiss his cheek. "Don't worry, I'm here" I whisper, not really sure why I assume he wants to hear that. I close my eyes and concentrate on his touch. His hands still stroke my back and his breath runs over my neck in a steady rythym. Suddenly he moves and lets go of me slowly. His eyes meet mine to then wander down to my lips. He doesn't even ask for permission and just kisses me then. Barely into the kiss his phone rings. It seems so loud in the silence of the room. Both of us jump apart and Paul picks it up in a frustrated sigh. "Paul Johnson" He listens to the caller and his features grow to almost stone. "Send him up Angie" He says and I swallow. I know exactly who it is. Paul turns his attention back to me with the words. "Mr Styles and his assistant are coming." He sounds so cold. I never heard him talk like that before. Not really sure what to do I just grab his hand and squeeze it gently. "Your assistant is here too. I know how you work, I can do the talking with your help." I say carefully, knowing that his mind is still not here again. Paul looks up to me and for a moment I can't read his expression. "You don't have to do that. I know you hate him, he will hit on you again." "So do you. Also if he brings his assistant he is distracted. My research tells me that means he brings a pretty girl." Paul shakes his head, showing how he hates Harry's ways. I kiss Paul's cheek and calmly grab the file for the meetings with Harry from one of his shelves. "I will get everything ready" I tell him and escape his office with that. Not that I necessary needed to but who knows what we would have done if the phone didn't ring. I rush to the coffee machine and quickly make two coffees for me and Paul. Bringing them to the rooms I grab some pens and paper. Harry will be here any second. My heart beats fast in confussion and foolish love for him. Stepping into the meeting room I quickly set everything before rushing out to welcome Harry. I see the elevator doors open and just for split second his head and the one of a blonde girl seem a bit too close together. The way her giggle echos to me I can tell that I didn't just imagine that. My heart tightens immediately and I just want to run. I suddenly feel a hand on my back and gasp. "Are you alright? You look pale" Paul says softly and I just nod. Harry walks through the room again in his cockyness and I wonder who I spent the weekend with. He is followed by this extremly pretty woman whose eyes are glued on him in adoration. That was me once. I feel myself breaking slowly bit by bit and do my best to hold it together. "Mr Johnson! Ms Harker!" Harry speaks and shakes our hands professionally. Not even a tiny bit of him gives anything away about him and me. My heart sinks even more. Of course he shouldn't but that only proves my point. "This is my assistant Anna Smith" Harry introduces the girl calmly. Paul shakes her hand politely but I just turn and go into the room already. I don't even give a shit.
"So Mr Styles, what brings you here today?" I ask with Paul next to me reading through the file calmly. "Oh, am I having a meeting with you Ms Harker?" Harry asks with his playful grin. "My assistant is allowed to ask for basic facts Mr Styles." Paul replies calmly as he marks something on the papers. I feel the anger rushing through me but also intense pride by Paul's calm reaction. In Harry's eyes I notice that he saw that something is off with me. "Well in that case: Anna would you take care of the basic facts with the lovely Ms Harker?" Harry says and looks at me challenging. What is he doing? Where is the man I woke up next to this morning? Anna chuckles and looks at me. "In fact Mr Styles if you like to make fun of me and Ms Harker we can also end the meeting right here. I have no interest in a business partner that doesn't take me or my employees seriously." Paul says coldly and I have to hide a smile. I look over to my boss and I feel thankful for how he protects me and after all himself. Paul rests his hand on my leg under the table, assuring me not to feel offended. I lay mine on his, trying to calm him down. Harry clears his throat, clearly taken of guard. "Mr Johnson, I didn't mean to offend you or Ms Harker. Indeed I am rather impressed by how much trust you have for your employees." He says and nods sincerely to Paul. That fucking snake, he really knows how to turn things around. "I'm not sure if we can say the same about you." Paul says "In fact that wouldn't work well with your company Mr Johnson" I add and look at my boss. He nods to me and as he looks down at his papers he smirks. I bite my lip not to join in. Turning my head back to Harry I can see him throwing knifes at me in his mind. "Well part of such a deal would of course be that we learn from each other" Harry says and looks deadly at me. "Don't get me wrong Mr Styles, we appreciate your offer a lot. It would be a pleasure to work with you." Paul says to soften the tension in the room. "But we have to be sure you don't use Mr Johnson's company." I add in a soft tone and look right into Harry's eyes, hoping he gets what I mean as my eyes wander to Anna and then back to him.

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