Chapter 4

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I feel myself getting tipsy slowly. Avoiding the uncomfortable conversation and keeping myself busy with the wine isn't the best solution, especially when you are out for dinner with your boss and his possible business partner. I catch Johnson's eyes every now and then but they tell me nothing I don't know. Styles' leg touches mine under the table and I start to like the warmth of it. We ate the food long ago but Styles keeps the conversation going. I know Johnson, he doesn't want to be impolite now. Especially with Styles he is careful. It's obvious that he doesn't like him, at least to me. I empty my glass of wine once again. That is the last one, I tell myself. Well that's what I told myself after the second as well. I gasp quietly as I suddenly feel a warm hand on my knee. Two pairs of eyes are on me right away. "Sorry, I just drank too fast.", I lie fastly. I don't even know what for. I check my watch without checking the time. "Well I should be heading home.", I lie softly to break this whole situation finally. "I will bring you home", Johnson says and nods. He almost looks relieved now. I feel Styles squeezing my knee softly and look at him with slight anger but that is only an act. The buzz in me likes it very much. As I get up his hand slides off my knee and it almost feels cold without it. God, I definitely had more than enough wine. Walking straight will hopefully not be a challenge. "What a pity. Well I'm sure I will see you again soon." Styles says calmly and nods to Johnson. That stupidly handsome grin hasn't left his face for a second. "Goodbye Mr Styles" My boss says and let's the irritation come through a little bit. "Goodbye" I add as well and nod to the unpleasant guest at our dinner table.

He drives me home in silence. This could have been way different. I don't know how but simply different. "Did he hit on you often before?", Johnson suddenly asks. Looking at him I reply "He wrote me a couple of mails today asking me out for lunch but nothing like it before that." A silent nod of his follows. Drunk me watches him calmly, not noticing that I actually stare a bit. "You know it is better for you if you stay away from him. You know how he treats woman."-"I didn't plan to get close to him." What a lie, for a second I did tonight and some other time before. "I'm not so sure about the business deal with him anymore either. To me it doesn't seem as if we could trust him." I feel a slight sadness all of a sudden which I don't quite understand. "He certainly has a habbit of trying to have all and then let it fall when he had fun with it." I see Johnson smiling amused by my answer. "I'm impressed Ms Harker. Four glasses of wine and still such a sharp mind."-"I don't think a sharp mind would drink so much in front of her boss." A tiny grin appears on his face, something I haven't seen before. He counted how many glasses I had, I barely did. I wonder how old he actually is. I always find it hard to guess with men, they look younger most of the time. "Forty." I look shocked, not by his age but about the fact that I apparently said it out loud. "I'm sorry!" I immediately say covering my mouth and notice that amused smile again.

His car soon stops in front of the building I live in. "Well uhm" I awkwardly say. "Have a good weekend, I see you on Monday?" I try and watch him. He smiles amused. "Until Monday Ms Harker. Get some rest please." I nod and get out of his car carefully. "Ugh" I let out as I stand finally. Everything turns a bit but I'm sure I find the way into my own home. I close the car door carefully and then make my way slowly into the building. It is very calm here already. Usually when I come back-which is much earlier- everyone gets going for a night in the clubs. I wonder what time it is by now.

I fall into my bed without showering or taking my dress off, just want to drift into sleep now. What a weird day that was, I think to myself. I rub my eyes and sigh.

"I don't think you want me to stop." I feel him bite into my lip as his strong hands open my legs way too easily. "Harry stop", I whisper again but don't make attempt to push him away. A grin forms on his lips as he sees that my body doesn't resist and his hand slides higher up my inner tigh. "Harry I don't want anyone to find us like this" "Like what?" He grins. "With my hand between your legs, ready to slide into you?" He suggests and I gasp softly as I watch his persuasive dark eyes almost innocently. His hands casually move up my skirt and he sits me on the desk.

I gasp and sit up in my bed. It is dark all around me. Subconciously I check the bed side next to me, it's empty of course. I rub my face with my hands and sigh. My head hurts slightly and I slowly remember the day. And that dream way too well. I almost feel weak for him right now. He seems to have all what I want in some fucked up way. I can't let him have me, under no circumstances. I get up and look outside my window onto the dark street. What is he doing now? Probably being busy with some girl. I sigh and rub my face once more. Sitting back on the bed I check my phone.

Do you want to have brunch with me tomorrow? HS

My eyes grow big and I read it once more. Anger rushes through me, just as well as a little bit of excitment.

How the hell did you get my number?

I reply fast and stare at my phone as I wait for an answer. My heart is pounding.

I have my ways darling. Yes or No?

I stare at my phone, around my room and out of the window. I don't know what to answer. More I don't know if I want to or not. My mind says clearly no. But that dream and his looks-god, I can't be such a weak girl again. I certainly was when I was younger but I swore myself to not let that happen again.

Business SecretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora