Chapter 6

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The music is pumping through my body as I dance with eyes closed, my third drink in my hand. Not thinking about anything or anyone. I'm just living my best life with my best friends. "I'm in for shots! Who is with me?" Angie yells over the loud music with that beautiful grin of hers. "Always sister!" I reply with a bright grin and so does Viktor. It's better if I don't let them know, about nothing of all that happened the last days and last year. "Im gonna get them ladies" Viktor says and makes his way through the packed club. "And did you spot any guy you like?" I ask Angie with a grin. "You see the one sitting at the bar?" She immediately replies. "Which one?" I giggle as there seem to be too many for my eyes. "The one with the leather pants!" I can't stop the laugh that escapes my mouth. Angie just grins proudly, she is never ashamed of anything really. "Go get him tiger" I grin and push her gently into the direction of the bar where Viktor soon comes from with three shots. "Angie found a guy she likes" I tell him "Which one honey?" He immediately turns to our redheaded friend. "Leather pants." "Darling, he is gay" "How do you know?" She protests and pouts playfully. "He was hitting on me." An annoyed growl comes from Angie as she rolls her eyes and then lets them wander to the bar again. "Oh" She suddenly says and grins even brighter. "What?" I giggle and look over there. "Messy hair and wide striped trousers, looks quite familiar huh?" She says and by spotting the named person I freeze. It seems like my whole body turns cold and I just want to run. I notice nothing around me and just stare blankly at him. No music, no people. There is just him. I would have played it cool but after today something changed. I couldn't see him anymore. "I-I gotta go-to the toilet" I stutter and turn around. Viktor grabs my arm gently. "Are you okay?" I force a smile as my eyes fill with tears. I tell you later, I form with my lips although I know I won't. I couldn't let them know. "Jenny." It sounds from behind me. "Mr Styles!" Angie says beaming in excitment of his presence. "Viktor save me" I whisper to my closest friend.

"Viktor you can't be in the women's restroom" I protest as he stands leaning against the wall across from the mirror. Fixing my face I look through the mirror at him. Of course he can, I just don't want to let him know. "Jenny tell me" He says with a lifted eyebrow. He looks quite strict but I know he is just worried and protective. I know him long enough for that. I sigh and shake my head. "I really don't want to talk about it" I reply as I now avoid his glance. "I hope Angie finally gets her chance" I say to lighten up the mood and form a little smile. Viktor's facial expression doesn't change a bit. "Don't look at me like that" I whine. "Just tell me when you are ready to do so" He finally says, giving in. I nod and swear to myself not to do so. "Please don't tell Angie, okay?" "Promise" he says and nods. "Come on, we gotta get you a drink love" I smile softly and nod. I feel safe with him, he will shield me from Harry. He is probably busy with all the sexy girls out there. Hopefully he doesn't use Angie but he seriously never seemed to be really interested in her. He is way too much after the stereotype of sexy woman. I always wondered what he saw in me. Well, I got my answer in the end. Shoulder to cry on and emergency fuck.
Immediately as we get out I scan the room. The next moment my mind is hit by one question: Why are you running? I am stronger than this. I don't need to run like a little girl, I tell myself and build up some confidence again. Viktor calmly positions us at the bar with the back to the crowd. "Can you see him? Or Angie, we shouldn't have left her alone." I say, focusing on the worry about my friend to not feel something else. Viktor calmly orders me Jack Daniels and then casually glances over his broad shoulder. "Angie talks to him but he isn't looking at her." He says and turns his eyes back to me and then at his drink. I nod and hold onto my Jack. After a few seconds I down it in one. Viktor chuckles. "Yeah that's the less responsible Jenny I miss sometimes." "Before she had a serious job yeah" I grin, warming up inside. "Vik? Can I get full on drunk? Will you bring me home?" I grin, sick of the whole thing here. "Yeah sure, wouldn't be the first time." I giggle excited and kiss his cheek. Vik just chuckles and shakes his head.
The next minutes go by by me drinking more and more Jack. Or are that hours even? I feel more light and happy. It's almost like I'm back to being myself in a way. Dancing and turning I start to love the colours of the light more and more. It feels good to be in my body and just to be for once. I feel safe because I know Viktor is there. Although I can't see him. I can't see much anyway. Everything is quite blurry but it's alright. I'm not alone. There is no need to worry and be hurt. Life is finally somewhat beautiful and free.

I wake up slowly but in pain as I feel something cold on my forehead. I growl and try to push it away. "Shhh" I just hear and the cold is placed back on my forehead. My head hurts and so does my body. I have the light urge to puke but I try to breathe calmly to distract myself from it. The smell around me is new but somehow also familiar, like when you haven't smelled something in a while and you get to know it from a new point of view. "You got it bad last night" A raspy voice tells me and keeps gently taking care of my forehead. "What happened?" I mumble and grab for the arm of the man to hold onto something, assuming it's Viktor. I feel a gentle kiss on my head. "Rest for now Jen." I hear and my heart skips a beat as this is how Harry used to call me but I tell myself that it can't be him. He isn't the kind of guy to take care of you after you got drunk. "Harry?" I mumble anyway halfy asleep. "Yeah, sleep Jen." He whispers and I just nod exhausted as I drift back to sleep.

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