Chapter 10

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Thursday. Text messages and calls. Calls that were way too late at night to be an emotionally good thing. Subjects that were only meant for late nights. My lack of sleep is affecting my work life more and more but I don't seem to care this week. What has happened to me? Last week I seemingly was a completly different person, way more responsible. But that is what Harry does to you. He makes you forget about everything else. Things that mattered are suddenly not that important anymore. He certainly has his way with people. Still I haven't decided if I fully want to open up to him again. But for tonight I know I won't talk to him. Tonight I have a date with Johnson. Harry will try to call me but I won't pick up. That thought alone sends almost excitment through me. He shall know what he made me feel like before. Keeping me waiting for him. I'm not a fan of revenge but this is most certainly what he deserves. Still I don't mean to use Johnson. He is really a good guy and I really want that to become something. Then again there is Harry. I sigh as I'm staring blankly on my computer screen. This is already way too complicated and it has only just begun. My watch tells me that it is already 6 pm and it seems as if I haven't done anything today. Usually I feel quite productive. "You look great by the way." I hear Johnson say as he steps out of his office. I look up-probably looking like I just woke up from a nap. "Thank you Mr Johnson." I say softly and sit up straight as if he just caught me in something. "Paul, call me Paul." I look up surprised but simply nod. "Call me Jenny then." I say softly and I see his eyes light up a little. I notice my heart beat fastening and can't help but to smile to myself. "Are you ready?" He asks and I notice that he was watching me. Suprised I nod and get up quickly. "Are you okay? You seem slightly off." I smile thankfully at him by his worries. "I didn't sleep well the last days." I lie easily and feel his hand ghost over my back like in the restaurant, leading me to the elevator this time. I feel the goosebumps appearing on my arms. "Are there any reasons known to you?" I simply reply with shaking my head. Yes, many reasons but one major reason. Harry. "If you want a day off or something like that just let me know, alright?" I look up to him with the warmest smile. "You are just too kind Paul" I say, using his first name for the first time. It seems to have an effect on him as he changes his posture a bit. "No, you deserve it Jenny." He smiles. You have no idea, Paul. If you only knew that I'm having late night calls with your possible competition.

"I hope we don't get interrupted this time." He smiles and I can't help but chuckle. "Me too, he is quite pushy isn't he?" "Yeah, he really wants that deal. But as I said I'm considering other options." I nod and think about what Harry asked me to do. "Did you ever ask other companies he works with how he is as business partner?" He looks surprised and then shakes his head. "Not a bad idea, could have been mine." He grins and yet again I giggle. "That's why I am your assistent. I heard he is a lasting business partner anyway." "Who told you?" "I did some research, let's just say that." I smile and catch something almost like excitment in his eyes. "I'm glad you put so much effort in supporting me." He smiles warm hearted and I simply nod. If he only knew, god that would ruin a lot. I know everything he needs to know about Harry. I know how Harry works. He wouldn't ruin him, in no way but he would act like a business man and that means he would sell Paul's work as his. "Im only doing my job" I say calmly. "Right now too?" He asks and watches me in an analysing manner. "Isn't this a business meeting?" I reply with a slight smirk almost teasingly. He hides his smile behind the menu he studies. As we talk and test two different wines the conversation flows easily. Surprisingly easy it all seems as we bond quite fast, something that usually doesn't happen to me. With Harry it was different. I saw him and I just knew. Paul I do have to get to know. It is not a hard thing to do tho, Paul opens up quite easily to me.

For the second time in the last two weeks his car stops in front of the building I live in. "Good night" I smile and watch him carefully. I only had two glasses of wine and just feel this light good feeling of it. "Good Night Jenny. Do I see you tomorrow?" "Of course you will." I say and smile. Both of us look at each other for quite a while before Paul leans in slowly. Both of our eyes are open for one more moment and look into each other. It is quiet around us and dark. "May I?" He asks in a whisper and I nod slowly, as I analyse his face that is closer to me than it ever was before. Seconds later I stop doing so to close my eyes and feel his lips on mine. Soft and gentle, meaning to stop if I asked him to. I don't know how much time passes but as we stop my lips feel a little sore. Damn, that was an amazing kiss. It even reached other areas. I see him smirk softly and I chuckle shyly. "Where do we go from here?" I giggle softly and shake my head as I blush. "Wherever you like to Jenny." He assures me and gently lays his hand on mine. I watch him, hiding behind the hair that has fallen into my face. I wouldn't mind to... No. That is way too early and after all he is my boss. His eyes are asking for a reply and I just smile softly. "I don't want to rush anything or worse ruin it." I speak carefully. "So maybe we should let things build up a little." I mumble, ashamed to name anything directly. He squeezes my hand gently. "Alright Jenny." He says and I discover understanding in his voice. The relieve runs through me and I feel confident to look at him. "Good night then?" I ask. Paul nods and leans over yet again but this time to peck my cheek. "Good night Petal." I feel myself instantly reacting to that sweet pet name and smile at him lovingly before I go.

Drunk in confusion but also happiness I make my way upstairs to my flat. I haven't even checked my phone yet but I bet Harry is freaking out. I even feel guilty as my heart starts to call for him again. "There you are" I hear loudly, it almost hits me like a thunder. Gasping shocked I spot Harry standing stressed in front of my door. "What are you doing here?" I ask and step next to him to reach my door. "You didn't answer your phone and I got worried" He grumbles softly, hating to admit it obviously. He scans me slowly and furrows his brow. "You smell like wine, were you out with someone?" He asks and I blush as I look down at our feet. I feel regret. "Paul took me out." "Paul?" "Mr Johnson." I say and can basically hear Harry grinding his teeth. I don't know if it's simple jealously coming from his possessive nature or if he is actually hurt. "So you like him." He says, concluding it. I look up to his face, trying to read him. "If you are serious Harry I will stop seeing him in this matter. You know how I feel about you, otherwise I wouldn't spend half of every night on the phone with you." I say and reach for his hand which he allows me to take. "Come in with me please" I say softly and unlock the door.

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