His heart wasn't sad like previous times that he heard such news. If anything he felt a strong desire to win Namjoon back, he was just suddenly doubting if he had the ability to do such a thing. He also had the profound desire to punch Jackson, but that would earn him an instant elimination, and he couldn't have that.

Taehyung was in their room, reading a manga that Seokjin had no idea where he was getting them from. His brother looked up from it as Seokjin shut the door behind him, he raised a brow.

"You okay?"

Seokjin threw himself back first onto the bed, "Namjoon and Jackson kissed during their date."

Tae put his book away, "Need me to leave so you can empty your tear sockets for a bit?" He was used to this by now. Knowing that when his hyung was sad the best thing to do was to leave him alone for a while. Seokjin didn't like anyone seeing him cry. He still felt he always had to be the 'strong hyung' that everyone could rely on.

But Taehyung knew his hyung was absolutely weak when it came to Namjoon. The King tore through Jin's defenses as if they were nothing, as if all those years of building them didn't exist. This made Taehyung himself fear love. Was it possible for him to break down like that over some guy in the name of love?

A certain person came to his mind but he instantly shook that off.

Seokjin glared at him, "I'm not going to cry. I'm just...mad? Why did he kiss him?"

"Knowing Jackson, he probably threw himself on the King."

"Can he do that?"

Tae shrugged.

Seokjin sighed and covered his eyes with his arm. In a competition where the King was courting 30 different men you couldn't help but doubt a man's loyalty. He at least knew that Taehyung was on his side and it seemed that Jimin was also rooting for him. 

Everyone else was a menace. If it were someone genuinely nice and caring then Seokjin could possibly let go easily, knowing that Namjoon could be happy despite Seokjin's heart being crushed. 

However, he knew that most of them were after the crown.

You could easily spot those contestants. They were the ones who would order expensive suits and accessories because they never knew when they would get it wear it again. The ones who kept talking about them being King instead of them being married to the King. The ones who's eyes didn't light up when they spoke about the King. The ones who tried to impress instead of wanting simply to be loved as they are.

"I love him," Seokjin admits, his voice a soft whisper, more to himself than to Tae. "It hurts thinking that there's always the possibility that it can't be me."

"It will be you," Tae assures, running his fingers through his Hyung's blond locks, "I've seen the way he looks at you, Hyung. He can't look at anyone else like he does you."

Every time they're together, Seokjin notices how Namjoon's eyes light up at the sight of him. How quick he is to pull him into a tight embrace, how his voice softens when he speaks to him and how he shows that words can't describe how he feels and simply kisses him and makes him feel irreplaceable.

That wasn't an act, was it?

He's not secretly doing this with anyone else, is he?

There was a knock at the door, Taehyung hops off the bed to open it. After a few seconds, Taehyung calls him over. Seokjin sighs and pushes himself off the bed and walks over, stopping as soon as he sees who was at the door.

Namjoon had this big grin on his face. Seokjin didn't know why that grin was irking him today.

"Yes, Your Highness?" he says as he composes himself and meets him at the door. Tae simply whistles at the sudden tension and mumbles something about going to meet Jimin before slipping away.

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