One- I don't care for your opinion

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"And everybody to the side, now go" a woman shouted, her hair in soft nut brown tresses down her back as she span around, she looked out of the window and sighed "Sorry, class over, you did great, see you next week"

A tall man leant against a white Mercedes-Benz, his arms were crossed over his chest making his muscular arms that more prominent. "Always late aren't you"

"Always early" she bit back pulling her hair into a ponytail, trying not to directly look into his eyes as she did so "So are we going or are we just going to stand here and act like i've got all day"

He sighed heavily "Zoya, I will never understand how you turned out like this, when your sister is so"

"Which sister are we talking about Hooda" she looked down at her nails like she was bored with the conversation already

"Pooja" he smiled, she's so well mannered, so kind"

"Everything i'm not right, thanks for that one Hooda, maybe if you keep saying it, i'll actually care about your opinion, you're marrying Pooja Aapi, you're going to have to get used to me" she shrugged "Now driver of mine, please can we get in the damn car" her tone was scathing, Zoya neither had the time of day for Aditya Hooda or the patience. He got on her every nerve, always treated her like she was some insolent child and belittled her.

A man stopped his motorbike by them, pulling off his helmet he shook his black hair "Zoya, baby, you need a lift"

"Sorry Yash" Zoya smiled hesitantly "I'm afraid Hooda here has come to take me home"

Yash chuckled making Aditya frown "But we could have so much more fun"

Zoya went to step toward him when Aditya tugged her back "How many times have I told you that boy is no good for you"

"And how many times, have I told you, that I don't care for your opinion" she smiled sweetly, yanking her arm back only to be pulled into his chest

"Zoya" he gritted his teeth "You are not going with him"

She smiled back up at him "Watch me" Zoya raised her leg kneeing him in his thigh, she sat behind Yash on the bike, wrapping her arms around his waist she looked back at him one more time, smug smile on her face as they drove off


"I honestly have had enough of Zoya's attitude" Aditya shoved his dominant hand through his hair

Pooja frowned "She really isn't normally like this, it's just around you, I don't really get why she dislikes you so much"

Aditya rolled his eyes "Pooja, she doesn't just dislike me, she hates my guts, she seems all nice infront of all of you, but she's the furthest thing from nice, look at you, look at Noor, neither of you turned out that way"

A smaller man walked forward, his arms crossed "That better not be my faviourate you're talking about"

Pooja and Aditya span around "Pa, it isn't like that"

Harsh raised his hand "I won't hear it, let's not pretend like you're innocent, you tease my Zoya all the time, and you know she struggled with her parent's death more than anyone else"

Zoya ran into the house "Uncle" she wrapped her arms around Harsh who fondly patted her hair

"I heard Adi has been being mean to you"

Aditya's jaw dropped "Pa"

Zoya smiled, a clear win. She poked her tounge out "You see, it went like this"

"I'm not listening to this, i'm going" Aditya stood up

Harsh smiled "Oh don't forget, I, Anjana, Pooja, Noor and Arjun are all going to do our charity work this week"

Zoya stilled "Does that mean Hooda and I will be alone" she didn't like the idea of that one bit

"I am not being her babysitter, this is stupid" Aditya growled

"Sorry guys, but this is what happens when you both can't leave because of work" Harsh laughed

Zoya scowled over at her biggest enemy, one week with the man she hated the most. Everything would go wrong, that was for sure, but, would anything go right?

So! This is a short story that I intend on finishing quite quickly, but how quickly is in your hands!

If you want the next chapter all you have to do is tell me just one thing you like about yourself and why! If one person does so, the next chapter will be up the following day e.g. tomorrow!

This is my way of trying to spread the love a little!

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