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Hayden. Claire- T-A-Y- L- O-R!

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Skatemaloney - um no fair.

Samwilks- ^

JackG- you have a gf to be with. SO fuck off.

Hayden.claire- you have a gf? Oh...

Jackj- get off her page jackg

Hayes- hayess will beeees therees soonsss



Gilinsky- yoooo

Sam- you shouldn't have said anything about stassie and I.

Hayden- why so you could lead me on and make it hurt more than what I am already. If I knew in the first place !

Sam- you what? Would have stayed with gilinsky?!

Hayes- guys dont fight.

Gilinsky- to far man.

Hayden- he fucking CHEATED on me and you think I would stay with him. No. You dont know me at all. You cycling kissed me last night. You know what? Bye.

Hayden has been unadded from the grouchy by herself

Nate- you kissed her bro???? Wtf!

Tay- ^


Sam- okay I get it.

Gilinsky- shall I add stassie? :)

Sam- Wtf no.

Johnson- you all messed up.

Nate & Hayden

Nate- hey Hayden

Nate- Hayden I know u read that.
Nate- Hayden claire! Answer me right now.
Nate- okay so your obviously not gonna answer sooo when your ready please come talk to me. I am here for you dont push me away. Please. ❤


Gilinsky- Hayden r u okay?
Gilinsky- ???
Gilinsky- answer me.

Hayden- what do u think?

Gilinsky- no.

Hayden- if u knew whyd u ask. Dont answer that just leave me alone jack.

Gilinsky- Hayden.....

3 weeks later --------
Hayden & Nate-

Hayden- um... Hi....

Nate- omg Hayden! R u ok??

Hayden- sure.

Nate- open your door.


I open my door and Nate is standing there with a small little thing of roses. I jump into his arms and hugged him tight. I could feel my eyes watering up but I bit it back. "Come in..." I say "actually..." he says and Sam walks up from behind and I turn quickly and Nate grabbed me and pulled me to his chest and held me to face Sam.

I kept trying to pull away and slowly gave up. And he let go of me "Hayden im sorry." Sam says ... I could slowly feel the tears fall down my cheek. And I hugged Sam.

Hayden was added back to the chat

Sam- okay the queen herself is back.

Hayden- :)

Johnson- Hayden!!!!!

Hayes- Hayden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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