Chapter 7 Heartbreak

Depuis le début

I am not happy, with these roles and I don't think Seb likes them either. Thankfully this class ended and I went with Becca to AP Biology.

The next period went by very quickly and it was finally  lunch. Coincidentally we all had lunch A. So I met them in the front of the school and guess whose their out of all people Liam I hate him because he is a jerk. Anyways  we all went to the plaza across the street and bought pizza. Now I have Gym which is so much fun I changed into my black shorts and purple top and went outside. I have gym with a lot of the girls from hockey. Usually the boys and our class will do things together, Max is in that class and even thought I play kind of hard to get around him I really really like him. I think I might just tell him before he finds someone else and I miss my chance out of nowhere I hear the fire alarm. We all go outside and I look for my brother and Rebecca with Max. We finally found them and they were together yet their classes were far apart I wonder what's going on there we approached them at they looked at us like deer caught in headlines. "Hey guys what are you doing here?" Rebecca asked. "Well we were looking for both of you actually" I smirked. "Well you found us" Rebecca said with a tint of pink coming through her cheeks. "Max we should probably go back towards the gym" I said "Ya I totally agree" "See you guys later don't forget about practice after school!"

We played volleyball which got quite competitive cause most of us were on the team which made it so much more fun. I played centre cause I wasn't too tall but I had a mean bump and my volley wasn't too bad.

Just as we finished we had to go and get changed quickly as the bell was about to ring and I had to go to French.

I loved French and that was one of the class I had my brother in plus Max was in that class as well. I think I am gonna ask him or tell him today after practice. French was also one of the only classes I have fun in cause we play games and act in French which can be hilarious because people will translate it wrong and say random stuff. My brother and I have been taking French since kindergarten because my dad said it was important if we wanted to work for the company. Plus I have always wanted to go to Paris and study abroad.

Finally the bell rang I am heading to the rink for practice! The girls would usually come to observe so that they could apply it in their game cause what I taught the boys I want the girls to learn too. I met up with Rebecca and we headed to the rink. When I went in and just  put my tracksuit, skates, helmet, and gloves on cause I am coaching today. I went out and ran my practice!

"Let's go I want 5 stations" I shouted
"Oh come on why do you hate us!" Dylan wined
"Would you like some cheese with your wine" I commented
"Then get to work!"

I pushed them cause they had a very important game against the bears this weekend. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see the girls dying of laughter! I was not happy today so I made the guys do suicides and the girls are doing the same tomorrow because practice is serious I think that those who have a serious good practice, have great game which is very important to me.

Just as practice ended I quickly got undressed and went outside to go talk to Max but I saw him with Grace and they were kissing so I ran back inside and let my brain process I blew it for myself. Tears started coming out of my eyes which was weird for me because I never cried, I was a tough one but I needed to move on for his happiness at least I needed to try even though I have liked him for so long I don't know how I was to move on.

I went back on the ice to shoot pucks because I needed to let out all the emotions out and that was the only way I knew how. I stepped on to that and took shot after shot after shot and about twenty minutes into it my brother, Rebecca and Seth came out and called me over to the bench they both looked quite concerned I didn't understand why though I was fine just had to burn off a little bit of steam. "Hey guys what up?" " Sofia don't push us away we saw what you saw and we also saw your reaction" I pretended to be clueless "I don't know what your talking about." "You do, the whole Max thing we know you like him and that he kissed grace" I was speechless cause I don't know how they found out I never told anyone about my crush. " I still don't understand what your talking about." "Cut the crap girl I saw the looks you would give him and if he didn't reciprocate then his loss he wasn't good enough for you anyway, you hear me I don't want you to mope around because of him, you are going to get up and get back in the ring and move on" "You know what your right I will find somebody better." But it still hurt I have like this guy for so long I don't know what to do anymore. Later I got off when I was finished blowing off steam and went home did my homework cause it was already pretty late. I didn't have a lot because I had very chill teachers. After I curled up into a ball and let out all of my tears I haven't cried this much since pa died he left me and grams all alone I was very close to him.

"Sofia hurry down for dinner" my dad called just in time I am so hungry I forgot to eat I wiped my tears cause I didn't need my brothers to interrogate me. I went down and I could smell my favourite lasagna. That's what I needed. I sat down and Stephen asked about our days, he is like a second father figure to me and my brothers. He had always been there for my brothers and me Everyone took turns and shared their days I zoned out just thinking about Max. "Sofia are you okay you look a little bit lost tonight ?" "Ya I am good, today was very hectic." I lied a little right there. "Were you crying?" Scott asked I could lie anymore but I couldn't let them find out so I said " I was thinking of pa I stumble upon a boat on my way home." " Oh is there any other reason" Sebastian asked I hated him right now but I just said "No why would you ask such a a stupid question" Dinner finished and I excused myself and went to bed. I needed my sleep otherwise I get quite cranky and today was a chaotic and emotional day I really needed my rest. The sad part was that it was only the beginning of the week... The dreadful Monday!

 The dreadful Monday!********************************

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