Chapter 21

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Kaylee's Pov
We all walk to Cameron's car and get inside. Cameron looks at Nique and says. "What you doing later?" She shakes her head and looks out the window. He starts the car and looks over at her. "You okay, what's wrong?" She looks over at him and say. "Yeah I'm just a little tired." I say. "Hmm."  Carson says. "Where we going after this?" Cameron says. "To Tanisha's house." I look at Nique and say. "Isn't that the girl who's party we went to?" She nods her head and She looks out the window. Carson says. "Yeah and that's the party you blew me off at." I look at him and say. "I remember."
Cameron pulls up at Tanisha's house and we all get out. He unlocks the front door and we all walk inside. Nique walks  in the living room and sits on the couch and I walk in the living room and sit on the other couch across from her. Carson sits next to me and looks at me. "So can I have your number?" Nique looks at me and shakes her head. I look at Carson and say. "Mhm I guess." He hands me his phone and I put my number in his phone. Cameron sits next to Nique and she looks at him and say. "What?" He shakes his head and he snatches her phone out her hand and gets up and runs.
Carson looks at me and say. "They cute together." I nod my head and Nique gets up and run after him and yell. "Give me my phone back,why you want to play?" Cameron runs upstairs and Carson yells from downstairs. "Nique come and get his keys."  I look at him and I grab Cameron's keys and I get up and I run upstairs and I hand them to Nique and she puts them in her purse. I walk back downstairs and I sit on the couch. Cameron walks downstairs and looks at Nique. "Where my keys at?" She shrugs and Carson says. "She don't have them bro." He looks at me and says. "Do you know where they at?" I shake my head.
Cameron looks at Nique and say. "You ready for tomorrow night?" She glares at him. "Mhm no, I'm just playing." He looks at her and say. "Don't worry I'm going to make sure you have a great time." She nods her head and I look at Nique and say. "Nique it's getting late,we should go." Nique gets up and looks at Cameron. I'll see you tomorrow night." Me and Nique get up and walk outside to her car. We get inside and she drives to her house. I look over at her. "You're not nervous about tomorrow night?" She glances over at me. "No." I look at her and say. "Mhm." I turn on the radio and I sing along to the music.
Nique's Pov
Kaylee runs upstairs and hands me his keys and I put them in my purse. I walk back downstairs and I sit on the couch. Cameron walks downstairs and looks at me. "Where my keys at?" I shrug and Carson says. "She don't have them bro." He looks at Kaylee and says. "Do you know where they at?" She shakes her head.Cameron looks at me and says. "You ready for tomorrow night?" I glare at him. "Mhm no, I'm just playing." He looks at me and says. "Don't worry I'm going to make sure you have a great time." I nod my head and Kaylee looks at me and say. "Nique it's getting late,we should go." I get up and look at Cameron. I'll see you tomorrow night." Me and Kaylee get up and walk outside to my car. We get inside and I drive to my house. Kaylee looks over at me. "You're not nervous about tomorrow night?" I glance over at her. "No." She looks at me and say. "Mhm." She turns on the radio and She sings along to the music. I pull up in my driveway 30 minutes later and I get out and walk inside. I walk upstairs and I go in my room. I pin my hair up and I take off my shoes and I walk inside the bathroom. I turn on the shower and I wait for it to get hot. I take off my clothes and I get in the shower and I hear Kaylee yelling my name. I shake my head and I take a shower and I get out 30 minutes later and I get out and dry off. I wrap the towel around my body and I walk out the bathroom and I walk over to my dresser and I get out me a shirt and shorts. I put them on and I walk back in the bathroom and turn the shower off. I walk in my room and I get in the bed. I put my phone on the charger and I lay down and go to sleep.

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