Chapter 12

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          Nique's Pov
The next morning
I get woken up out my sleep by my phone ringing. I get up and I groan and get my phone and check the time and I answer it and I see it's my manager and she tells me I got a photo shoot today. I hang up the phone and I get up and I walk in Tanisha's room and look at her. "Where my keys?" She sits up and looks at me. "They on my nightstand,but where you going." I get my keys off her nightstand and I look at her and say. "I got to do a photo shoot I'll be back." I walk out the room and go downstairs and I see Cameron on the couch sleeping. I walk in the kitchen and I get a cup and fill it with cold water and I walk in the living room and I pour it on Cameron and I sit the cup on the table and run out the door. I get in my car and I drive home. I hear my phone ring and I glance down and answer it.
Phone convo
Me: wassup
T boo😜: this Cameron
Me: what you want
T boo😜: why you pour that water on me Nique I was sleeping
Me: cause I wanted to wake you up duh fool
T boo😜: I got you when I see you again
Me: if you can catch me nigga
End of convo
I hang up the phone and I turn on the radio and I drive home. I pull up in my driveway 40 minutes later and get out and walk inside my house and I run upstairs and I go in my room and I walk in my bathroom and I turn on the shower and wait for it to get hot. I brush my teeth and I take off my clothes and I get in the shower. I sigh and I take a shower and I get out 30 minutes later. I turn the shower off and I wrap my towel around my body and I walk out the bathroom and I go in my closet and dry off and put on my under clothes. I find me some sweats and a tank top and I put it on. I put on my slides and I walk out the closet and I grab my keys and phone and I walk out the room and go downstairs. I walk outside and get in my car and I drive off. I pull up at my photo shoot and I get out and walk inside the building and I see Kaylee and Tiana. I walk up to them and Kaylee looks at me. "Where yo new boo?" I sit down in the chair and I look at her. "Girl when did I get a new boo?" Kaylee takes my hair down and she starts curling it. Tiana looks at me and say. "You finally kicked that nigga to the curb." I look at her and say. "I should've been did it." Kaylee looks at me and shakes her head. Tiana starts doing my makeup and says. "So who's the new man?" I roll my eyes and say. "I don't have a new man." Kaylee looks at Tiana and says. "His name is Cameron and he's fine girl." I shake my head.
Cameron's Pov
I fall asleep on the couch and I get woken up by someone pouring water on me. I get up and I walk upstairs and I walk in Tanisha's room. "Why you pour that water on me, I was sleeping." She looks at me and laughs. "I didn't but Nique probably did." I look at her and say. "Let me see your phone?" She hands me her phone and I call Nique and wait for her to answer.
Phone convo
My boo Nique 💯: wassup
Me: this Cameron
My boo Nique 💯: what you want
Me why you pour that water on me Nique I was sleeping
My boo Nique 💯: cause I wanted to wake you up duh fool
Me I got you when I see you again
My boo Nique 💯: if you can catch me nigga
End of convo
I hang up the phone and I hand Tanisha her phone back and she looks at me and shakes her head. I look at her and say. "What?" She gets up out the bed and walks in the bathroom. I walk out the room and I walk downstairs and I see Carson. "Aye bro you going to the store with me." He looks at me and say. "For what?" I look at him. "I'm going to get something so I can get Nique back." He nods his head and says. "What you going to do to her?" I look at him. "You'll see." I walk out the door and get in my car and wait on Carson. I start the car and drive off. Carson looks over at me. "You know if you get her hair wet she gone beat yo ass."  I look at him and say. "She little I can handle her." Carson looks at me and shakes his head. I drive to the store and I pull up 40 minutes later and get out and walk inside. I walk around the store and I get some water guns and I walk to the front of the store and I wait in line. Carson looks at me and shakes his head. "So you really about to wet her up?" I look at him and say. "She wet me up this morning." I put the water guns on the counter and I get my card out and pay for them and I grab the bag and walk out the store and get back in my car and wait on Carson. I start the car and I drive to Tanisha's house. I get my phone and I call Tanisha and I wait for her to answer.
Phone convo
Me: aye t
Baby T❤️: wassup Cam Cam
Me: Nique there yet?
Baby T❤️: nah she not but why
Me: good and cause I'm about to get her back
Baby T❤️: you know she gone be mad at you and she gone get you back worse
Me: I'm not going to wet her hair up
Baby T❤️: that's you I warned you now cause Nique use to stay pranking me
Me: she little I can handle her
Baby T❤️: ok Cameron suit yourself
End of convo
I hang up the phone and I pull up in Tanisha's driveway 40 minutes later and I get out and I grab the bag and I run inside and I go to the kitchen and I start filling the water guns up with water. Carson walks in the house and shakes his head. I yell Carson's name. "You about to help me get her." Carson walks in the kitchen. "Hell nah nigga you on your own." I shake my head. "You scared of Nique?" Carson looks at me and shakes his head. "Nah man but she didn't do anything to me." I finish filling the water guns up with water and I hear the front door opening. I get down on the floor and I crawl out the kitchen and I spray Nique with both of the water guns and I get up and run upstairs. Tanisha looks at me and shakes her head. "You better watch your back."

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