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Warning: abuse.

Ruby's POV

I sighed to myself as I set my phone down next to me on my bed.
Last night was my first night in our new house.
It honestly sucked.
I actually went to sleep instead of texting my friends all night like I usually do.
Mostly because they decided to stop talking to me sense I moved.
As of right now, it was about four p.m and I've been in my room all day.
Craig went out to look around this morning and he still hasn't come back.
He probably doesn't want to sense he knows dad will pull some shit over something.
Every time I see Craig in the shape that my dad puts him in, it hurts me.
Craig didn't do shit to deserve any of the stuff my dad does to him.
Hell, dad would kill him if he ever found out Craig's secret.
I'm the only one who knows.
He's gay as hell but he never told anyone but me because he said he trusted me.
I didn't tell him my secret though.
My secret is that I'm biromantic and demisexual.
My dad would kill me just for being what people like to call "half gay".
So, my brothers secret is safe with me and no one will know mine. Not even Craig.
Don't get me wrong, I trust him with everything in me.
I mean, he's my big brother.
I just don't want people to know.
"Rubyyy." I heard my moms slurred voice say from the hallway.
Drunk again, I see.
"Yes?" I yelled back at her.
"You should go out and do something. Be productive -hic- like your brother." She replied.
I sighed.
Maybe I should.
I mean, I should look around before Craig and I go to school tomorrow.
I need to know my way around town.
I got up from my bed and slipped my phone in the pocket of my jeans.
I slipped a pair of black shoes on then exited my room.
My mom had went back downstairs.
I had no idea where my dad was but I think that was a good thing.
I went downstairs and saw my mom sprawled out on the couch.
She was watching the news when all of a sudden, one of the news reporters was.... a midget in a bikini?
South Park is weird as fuck...
"I'm going out. I'll be back later." I said to my mom as I opened the front door and left, not waiting for her to reply.
We weren't too far from town so it'd only take me about ten minutes to get there by walking.
I began walking toward the town.


I had finally made it to town and I was now just looking around at the buildings.
I had seen a good few.
Tom's Rhinoplasty.
Hells Pass Hospital.
The Theater.
The Library.
Just random buildings and places wherever I go.
Well duh, that's how it works.
A little while after seeing the library, I saw a coffee shop.
I walked up to the building and read the sign
'Tweak Bro's Coffee'
I entered and immediately saw a good bit of people.
Some were alone and others were either with one person or a group.
I decided to look around before ordering a coffee. If I even had enough money to, that is.
I saw a boy in an orange parka sitting with a girl who looked about my age.
She had dirty blonde hair, which she kept down.
It swooped over her small shoulders.
In her hands she held a pink princess doll.
She had brown eyes that matched her hair.
In her face was what I assumed was either dirt or bruises.
She wore a green jacket and plain jeans.
For some reason, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her and I think she noticed because a few moments later, we locked eyes.
"Hellooooo, earth to Karen?" The boy in the orange parka said.
I assumed he was a sibling.
She snapped out of it and replied with "huh?"
I looked away, a light shade of pink came over my face.
I checked my pockets for money.
I had just enough to buy two coffees.
One for me and... maybe one for her?
I walked to the counter and ordered two cappuccinos.
I told the man behind the counter to send one over to that girl.
I handed him the money and he started to make them.
Once I got mine, I snuck a glance at her once more as she got her coffee delivered to her.
I smiled as I left.
I walked for a few minutes, sipping my coffee lightly.
I had never had coffee before, but it's not as bad as I thought it'd be.
I found a bench so I decided to sit for a bit.
As I sat down, I took another sip of my coffee.
I watched the scenery as everyone hustled around.
Mostly adults going to work or just getting on with their daily lives.
I saw two boys, one who looked to be at least two or three years younger than me.
He had black hair and he was just chatting along to the other boy.
The other boy seemed to be... emo?
He was wearing eyeliner, his hair was black and he had emo-ish clothes on.
But, who am I to judge?
The emo boy rolled his eyes at the other one as he stomped s cigarette out.
"For the last time, Broflovski. I'm not emo!" He yelled.
Oh... so, I was wrong?
"I'm goth! There's a difference" he added as he groaned.
"Okay, damn. Calm down." The other boy said as he intertwined his fingers with the goth boys'.
They walked off and I kind of wanted to stand up and clap at the adorable sight but I didn't.
Instead, I took another sip of my coffee while I smiled.
I probably should've minded my own business but that was cute.
"Ruby? Since when do you drink coffee?" I heard a familiar voice say.
I look over to see Craig, who had sat down next to me.
"Since today. Duh." I responded, taking another drink.
"So, how do you like the town?" He asked, trying to spark up another conversation.
I shrugged.
"I just saw two guys holding hands and stuff, adorable shit." I said with a chuckle.
He chuckled as well.
"So, have you met anyone?" He asked.
"No, but have you?" I replied.
"Nope." He said as he sighed.
"But I did buy a few things." He added.
"Lemme guess, cigarettes." I said as I took yet another drink of my coffee.
"No. Cigarettes and a lighter. Duh!" He said as he laughed.
I never cared that he smoked, to be honest.
It's his life, he can do what he wants.
But I just wonder how he buys cigarettes sense he's not eighteen yet...
I can't judge him for smoking, though, because I did once.
I didn't really care for it.
I was at a sleepover with my friends and they offered me one so I said fuck it.
After that, I didn't do it again because I didn't care to.
I took my last drink of my coffee then threw the cup in a nearby trash can while Craig lit a cigarette.
As we sat in silence, I saw that girl walk by with the boy in the orange parka.
I tried to avoid eye contact.
She walked past the bench and a light shade of pink came over my cheeks.
Craig noticed this.
"Interesting" He said with a smirk as he set the box of cigarettes in his pocket.
I gave him a questioning look.
He just chuckled and looked away.
I sighed and then looked ahead of me.
"Should we head back to the house?" I asked.
"Yeah, I guess so." He replied as stood up.
"Remember, don't tell mom and dad about the cigarettes." He said.
"I know, I know." I replied as we started walking.


We were about five minutes away from the house.
Craig just kind of looked around at the scenery while I stared ahead of myself.
He took the cigarette out of his mouth and threw it in the ground, stomping it out as we walked.
I'm surprised the coffee hasn't kicked in for me yet.
You'd think I'd be bouncing off of the walls sense it was my first time having coffee.
Though, it'll probably kick in by the time I try to go to bed, which would suck sense I have to get up early to go to school.
A few moments later, we arrived at the house.
When we walked in, mom was passed out on the couch and dad stood there with an angry look on his face.
"Craig, why the hell were you out for so long?" He asked angrily.
"I uh... I was out for so long because I wanted to be." Craig replied, starting an argument.
I tried sneaking past them, not wanting to witness what was going to happen, but my dad grabbed the back of my jacket and pulled me back.
"You're supposed to be back before the sun starts going down" My dad said.
Why does he always have to fight over everything?
"Why the hell does it matter?" Craig replied, seeming to get angry at him.
Craig, stop. He'll hurt you again...
"Don't take that fucking tone with me." Dad said.
"I'll take whatever tone I wa-" Craig started but before he could finish, he got punched in the nose by my dad.
Craig held his nose and I let out a small gasp.
I had never seen my dad hurt him before because I always snuck off because I didn't want to witness it but now I am.
I looked to Craig, he had blood streaming from his nose.
Before my dad could do anything else, I stepped in.
I pushed his chest as hard as I could, making him tumble backward before he regained balance.
I grabbed Craigs hand and started running toward the stairs.
We ran up the stairs quickly, only making it halfway.
My dad had grab the top of Craig's hat firmly, gripping his hair underneath.
He pulled him down, making him tumble to the bottom.
I let out another gasp as I felt him let go of my hand.
I turned around, he was laying at the bottom of the stairs.
My dad started to kick him in the stomach.
Tears filled my eyes yet I couldn't look away from the horrible sight.
Look away, Ruby...
I forced myself to run up the rest of the stairs as tears fell from my eyes.
I ran into my room and shut the door, wanting to lock it but it didn't have a lock.
I ran into my closet, hoping my dad wouldn't come up to try to find me.
I waited for about twenty minutes and he didn't come to get me.
I got out of my closet and peeked out of my bedroom door.
I saw Craig making his way upstairs, holding his stomach in pain.
The sight hurt me more than anything could.
I ran out and helped him, not offering to.
"I'm fine, Ruby. I'll be okay." He assured me.
I sighed.
"No, you're not fine." I replied.
I helped him into his room and he sat down on the edge of his bed, still holding his stomach.
"I'm gonna go get a wet wash cloth to wash the blood off of your face.." I said as I wandered out of the room and into the bathroom.
I grabbed a wash cloth from a small stand we have in the corner of the room.
I turned the water on and out the cloth under the water.
I dampened it then rang it out.
I turned the water off and went back to Craig.
I started to wipe the blood that had trickled down to his lips.
I cleaned it up and then set the wash cloth to the side.
"At least your nose isn't broken.." I said with a faint smile, trying to lighten the mood.
"Heh... yeah... I'm gonna go to bed, or at least try to." He said.
It was only about six thirty but I get that he was tired.
I nodded and swiftly pulled him into a hug.
I pulled away and grabbed the cloth that sat next to him on his bed.
I left the room and threw the wash cloth into the dirty laundry.
I went into my room and spent the rest of the night alone.

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