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Tweek's POV

I laid in my bed.
It was now 2:35 a.m and I couldn't sleep.
It had been like this for the past five days.
I didn't go to school or work and I locked myself in my room, awake all night until six in the morning.
Then,mI'd wake up at two in the afternoon and repeat this process everyday.
My parents started to worry, though after I yelled at them a few times, they stopped checking up on me.
What happened the other day fucked with my head.
Did Craig really hate me that much to the point where he'd hit me?
I still couldn't believe it.
I didn't want to believe it.
I wanted to believe that something, anything, was still there, but it just seemed hopeless.
I didn't want to give up on him.
Should I want to?
My bad thoughts were interrupted by my stomach growling.
I hadn't eaten or had anything to drink for three days straight.
So now, I was tired, depressed and dehydrated and hungry.
Life sure is fun...
I looked to my bedroom door, dreading walking out of this room.
I was a mess, I couldn't let anyone see me like this.
I stared at the door, I wasn't going to get up, but my grumbling stomach bothered me.
I sat up slowly, then sat on the edge of the bed.
I felt like I couldn't even stand.
I was too tired and weak.
But I had to try.
I placed my hands next to me and pushed myself up, my knees wobbled a bit as I did.
I tried to steady myself.
Once I seemed balanced, I began walking toward the door.
Apparently, I wasn't as balanced as I thought I was, because not even three steps in, I nearly fell to the floor.
I held onto the wall, keeping myself up.
I tried to get to the door as fast as I could.
Once I did, I grabbed the doorknob and turned it, quickly bringing the door open and advancing out of my room.
I leaned on the wall yet again, then faced the staircase.
If getting through my room was that hard, imagine how I got down the stairs.
I nearly tripped and tumbled down, even though I was holding onto the railing for dear life.
As I made it to the bottom of the stairs, I realized the house was silent.
I was relieved knowing my parents weren't home to see the state I was in.
I waddled into the kitchen, holding onto something when my knees wobbled.
I approached the fridge and opened it, retrieving a bottle of water.
Usually, I'd just down three cups of coffee to keep myself awake, but that wouldn't help me right now, honestly.
I opened the bottle and practically chugged half of it.
Once I had pulled the bottled away form my mouth, I screwed the lid back on then opened the fridge again, trying to find something to eat.
I eventually settled on leftovers.
I didn't know which night it was from, honestly, but all I knew was that it was pasta and I was hungry.
I grabbed the container and set it on the counter next to me.
I grabbed a plate and a fork from the dish drainer and began scooping some pasta onto the plate.
Once I did that, I placed the food into the microwave for a minute, then put the container of pasta back into the fridge.
I waited patiently in front of the microwave, waving the fork around in my hand slightly.
Once the microwave stopped and began beeping, I opened it.
I took my plate out, trying not to drop it as my hands shook slightly.
I trotted over to the table and sat down, placing the fork into the pasta.
After a moment, I started to eat.
I took a few bites, chewing slowly then swallowing the slightly plain pasta.
My parents weren't really that good at cooking, honestly, but in that moment I didn't really care.
The food was gone in only a few minutes, because I had practically scarfed it down after the first few bites.
I stood up, not feeling as weak as earlier, and placed my dishes in the sink.
I began walking back into the living room, taking my bottle of water with me.
I advanced up the stairs and back into my room, locking the door once again.
I fell down onto my bed and every bad thought soon came flooding back to me.

Yo yo yo wassup diggity dawgs?
Idek what that was tbh lmao
Anyway, this chapter was pretty short, as most of my recent chapters seem to be tbh, but I hope you enjoyed this for what it is!

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