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Ruby's POV

After I had gotten home from Karen's, Craig had told me what happened with Tweek.
I was honestly pretty shocked.
I didn't expect Tweek to even try to do something like that.
Since Craig told me, I had been trying to distract him from thinking of it.
I'd head into his room every morning before school, after school and sometimes in the middle of the night when I know he's not asleep.
We'd talk about really anything.
Shit that went on in school, random shit going on in our lives, etc.
We always had something to talk about.
"Okay, but like did you see the way Stan and Kyle acted today? They were practically drooling over each other!" I laughed.
"Believe me, I saw. I think everyone did." Craig said, chuckling a bit.
I was sitting in the floor next to his bed while he sat on the edge.
It was 9:35 and I decided to bug him.
We talked about a few things that went on in school.
Stan and Kyle making their feelings for each other as clear as day, Butters and Kenny being petty as hell, things like that.
"Ya wanna know what Clyde told me today?" He smirked.
"Um of course! As long as he wasn't crying." I responded.
"Welll, little Donovan has a crush on Token." He said.
"I fucking knew it! See, I was right!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He flipped me off.
I gladly returned the favor.
It was silent as we thought about more things to talk about, when a sudden smirk appeared on his face.
"Oh god." I said dramatically.
"Rubyyyy, how're you and Karen doing?" He asked.
"What? What's that supposed to mean?" I raised an eyebrow.
"You know what I mean."
"Do I?"
"You like her." He rolled his eyes.
"Wait, what? W-what makes you think that?" I responded nervously.
He chuckled.
"Ugh, I don't like her, she's just my friend, dumbass." I crossed my arms.
"It's obvious." He said.
"No it's not! Is it...?"
"I knew it!" He exclaimed, fist pumping the air in victory.
"I knew I wouldn't lose the bet." He smirked.
"What bet?" I asked.
I didn't know what he meant, but if he made a bet on me, god knows what I'd do to him and whoever was in on it.
"Kenny and I made a bet." He shrugged.
Of course it was Kenny.
"He said if I couldn't get a confession out of you by the end of the week, I'd have to give him all of my money."
"What if he won?"
"Don't remember, I was focused on keeping my money."
"You're an asshole." I said, narrowing my eyes at him.
He shrugged.
"Soooo, when are you telling her? Or can I?" He asked.
"No, you can't. I'm not telling her either." I said.
"I can have Kenny do it."
He really likes to push my buttons.
After he said that, I actually felt anxiety start rising.
I didn't want her to know, that'd be the end of our friendship for sure!
"No! She can't know, you dumbass!" I said, razing my voice.
"Oh I'm definitely telling." He jumped up from the bed and ran toward the door.
I got up quickly and ran after him, though he was too fast so he was halfway down the stairs.
We got into the living room and saw mom on the couch, passed out, though I didn't think much about it sense I was too busy chasing my idiot brother.
"Craig I swear to god!" I yelled after him.
We were now out in the street and he was running way faster than me.
"God dammit! Curse my short legs!" I groaned, trying to go faster.
Bad idea, Ruby.
Trying to force myself to go faster only made me tired quicker.
My legs began to hurt after a while, but we were nearing Karen's house so I couldn't stop.
Craig seemed to be getting tired, which meant he was slowing down.
About damn time.
He stopped completely in front of the house.
I stopped next to him and grabbed his arm, trying to pull him back but I was too weak to do that.
He eventually caught his breath and shoved me off of him.
"I swear to fucking god, Craig! I'll murder you if you tell!" I yelled.
"Damn, Ruby. You act like me before I got with Tweek." He said.
I didn't know how he could talk about Tweek so casually after what happened, but the thought didn't stick with me long.
He approached the door.
I ran up to him but he had already knocked.
I was screaming, on the inside at least.
When the door opened, we saw Karen instead of Kenny or someone.
"Oh, uh hey guys... what's up?" She said.
"Karen! Perfect! Ruby has something to tell you!" Craig said, grabbing my arm and shoving me inside.
"Wait, Craig, what the f-" I started, but he had already shut the door behind him.
I looked around.
"No one else is here?" I asked.
"Nope, my parents went out, Kevin ran off somewhere and Kenny's with his friends, so I'm home alone. Now what was it you wanted to tell me?" She responded.
"I... uh-"
No getting out of this one, I guess...
"I-I like y-you..."



So I know what you're thinking. "ITS ABOUT FUCKING TIME THIS HOE UPLOADS" which is basically what I'm thinking too lmao. Writing has been hard for me lately bc I haven't really been motivated much. But, I finally finished this chapter! Yeah it's a bit short but it's something. I wanted this to be a bit calmer than the other ones, and I wanted to do something with Ruby and Karen lmao. I hope you enjoyed it! (Please excuse any errors. I didn't go back and read it or anything bc I wanted to get it out as soon as I finished 🤣🤣)

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