24 (END)

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Tweek sighed in frustration as he rushed around the shop, trying to get every order done as fast as he could.
It was one week later.
He had started working and going back to school again, though work was more stressful for him for some odd reason.
He managed to avoid Craig in school, only seeing him once but he tried not to make eye contact.
He was disappointed in himself for not talking to him, but that disappointment would end later in the day, hopefully.
"Aye, Twitches, I didn't come here to wait for an hour, ya know." A random male voice said angrily from across the counter.
"I-I know, sorry..." Tweek apologized.
"Better be. Fucking kids..." the man mumbled.
Tweek sighed, not wanting to argue with a customer sense he knew it'd be bad for the shop.
'But sometimes I wish I could throat punch people...'
He finished a few coffees, wrote names on them and set them on the counter.
The customers came up and were soon out the door.
'At least they leave once they get their coffee. I hate having a lot of people in the shop.'
He snuck into the back for a few moments to check what time it was.
It was 4:30, which meant he only had one more hour of work sense he got off early that day.
He came out form the back and finished up a few more orders.
After a while, the coffee shop was clear other than a few boys sitting at a table.
As Tweek began cleaning up tables, he realized that he recognized them.
Kyle, Stan, Cartman, and Kenny.
'Why does Cartman have to be here?! Ugh!'
He went by them, hoping they wouldn't notice him, but they did.
"Yooo! You're just like David, a busboy!" Cartman exclaimed.
Tweek sighed and began walking by but he was stopped again.
"Where ya going, Twitches?" Cartman said, chuckling a bit to himself.
"Oh ya know, I'm trying to fucking work. Ever think of that, Cartman?" Tweek responded, glaring at him.
"Feisty." Cartman rolled his eyes.
"Dude, just leave him alone." Stan said, crossing his arms.
Kyle nodded in agreement.
"Seriously, you guys? Why should I be nice to him? Because he almost killed himself? Because that was his choice, just saying." Cartman replied, shrugging.
"Dude!" Kyle said, glaring at him.
Tweek stared down at his arms.
They were bandaged up.
He usually keeps them off at home, but at school and work, he keeps them covered.
"Sorry, Tweek." Kyle said as he facepalmed.
"I-it's fine... I'm going back to work." Tweek said as he began to clean off the rest of the tables as fast as he could.
Once he finished that, he snuck into the back quickly, wanting to avoid Cartman.
Sense no one else was in the shop except for them, he slipped his apron off and sighed, throwing it into his small corner with his blankets.
He decided to sit down for a few minutes, sense he had been working sense he got out of school with no breaks, his feet were killing him.
He slumped down in his corner with a huff, grabbing his phone from beside him.
He didn't do much on it, he just checked social media for a few minutes before getting bored, and frustrated from his hands shaking slightly.
"Tweek! Your mother and I are here to work now, so you can go home." A sudden voice said form the doorway.
"GAH!" Tweek exclaimed, his phone almost flying out of his hands.
He shot his head up and saw his dad.
"D-dad!" He whined.
"Heh, sorry, son. Probably should've told you I'd be here." His dad said with a small laugh.
Tweek sighed as he stood up slowly, walking past his dad and out the door.
He saw his mom behind the counter and as he walked by, she whispered something to him.
"Go get em' tiger." She said, winking at him with a grin.
"Mom!" Tweek whispered, trying not to yell.
She laughed then shooed him.
He rolled his eyes and started to leave the shop.
He walked outside and started toward his house, already planning what he was going to do before he set his plan in motion.
He made it to his house quickly, barely even noticing anyone around him.
He immediately ran up to his room and grabbed some clothes.
He walked into the bathroom and set his stuff down on the sink as he turned the light on.
He stared at himself in the mirror.
"Okay, Tweek. Before you shower, you've got to tame this mess," he gestured toward his hair.
He grabbed a hairbrush that was near him, not knowing if it was his or not, and began to brush through his matted hair.
"Ow! Fuckkk! Ouch! Dammit!" He exclaimed as the hairbrush started getting stuck in his hair.
After about ten minutes, he had finally gotten it brushed out slightly.
"Good enough." He said, shrugging.
He started getting ready to shower, though, before he got undressed, he took the bandages off of his arms.
'Ugh, I hate taking them off...'
He unraveled the bandage on his right arm slowly, sighing once it had come off.
He stared at his arm for a few seconds before setting the bandage down and doing his left arm.
Once he finished, he got undressed and jumped in the shower.
Most of his shower was him dropping shampoo and conditioner bottles, following it up by yelling "SHIT" and then facepalming for five minutes before picking it up, only to repeat the process soon after.
Once he got out, he dried off as quick as he could.
He slipped on his jeans quickly, then tried to button up his shirt, of course, that didn't work.
He could barley even get the first button through.
After five minutes of trying to button it up, he gave up and dried his hair a bit more, shaking a towel over his head before grabbing a hair dryer from under the sink.
He usually lets his hair air dry, but it takes forever and he was in a bit of a hurry.
He plugged it in and turned it on, hoping it wouldn't take too long to dry.
A few minutes passed and his hair was mostly dry, so he decided to stop blow drying it and let it dry on its own.
He wrapped his arms up again and then left the bathroom, turning the light off as he walked out into the hall.
He walked into his room, grabbed his phone from his bed, then went downstairs to make himself some coffee.
He hummed a tune to himself as he wandered into the kitchen, skipping a few times randomly as he walked.
He walked up to the counter and set his phone down next to the coffee pot.
He filled it up with water then put some coffee grounds in.
He turned it on then waited for the pot to fill up.
As he picked us his phone and unlocked it, he walked over to another counter and jumped up on it, swinging his legs slowly as he sat.
As he played around on his phone, he got a text.
He checked who it was from, his dad.
'Did ya get him yettt? ;)'
'Whatttt? I wanna knowww!'
'Ugh! No! I haven't even left yet..'
'Well hurry up mister!'
Tweek rolled his eyes and locked his phone.
He looked over to the coffee pot, it was nearly done, so he jumped off of the counter and walked over t9 it, grabbing a mug for, the overhead cupboard.
He retrieved some coffee creamer from the fridge and set it down with his mug as the coffee was finally done.
He poured some then put some creamer in, grabbing a spoon from the drawer next to fridge and stirring it.
He placed the pot back and put the creamer back in the fridge.
He grabbed his mug and walked into the living room, being careful not to spill it.
He sat down on the couch and put his mug on the coffee table, along with his phone.
He decided to watch tv for a few minutes before he left.
He flipped through channels quickly until, finally, he found the channel 'Terrence & Phillip' was on.
He set the remote down next to his phone and picked his mug up, sipping from it as he watched his show.
He barley paid attention, though.
Instead, he just thought about his plans.
He planned on going over to Craig's and, as crazy as it sounds, he convinced himself that it was a good idea.
Surprisingly, he didn't even feel too anxious about it.
He expected his anxiety to shoot through the roof, he expected panic attacks and overthinking, but he didn't get any of that.
Sure, he had a few doubts, but he dismissed them fairly quick, which was strange for him.
Not panicking about going over to Craig's was really the only reason he felt anxious.
Why wasn't he panicking?
Why wasn't he thinking of every possible outcome?
Why wasn't he under any pressure?
That's all he'd been asking himself since he decided to go to Craig's.
He didn't know why, and frankly, he didn't really want to know.
Yet he still asked himself those questions.
He sighed and set his coffee back down after taking another drink.
He grabbed his phone and checked the time.
'5:55... I'll leave at 6:00, I guess...'
Those five minutes passed relatively quick.
He had finished all of his coffee and turned the tv off and now he was slipping his shoes on, ready to head over to his house.
After he got his shoes on, he reached for the doorknob before stopping to take a breath, then opened the door.
He stepped out onto the porch, making sure he had his key before locking the door behind himself.
He found it, locked the door, then hopped off of the porch, starting toward Craig's house,
'You've got this, Tweek. You've got this...'
He looked around as he walked, seeing a few familiar faces.
He saw Ike and Firkle playing in the snow, well, more like Firkle sitting on a nearby stump gloomily while Ike threw snowballs at him, but it was cute nonetheless.
Tweek cracked a smile at the two as he walked past them.
He saw a few of his fellow classmates.
Pip and Damien standing near a tree, talking about whatever, and Damien seeming to get a bit aggravated while talking about it.
Kenny and Butters who sat in a random spot in the snow, Butters' head laying on Kenny's shoulder with a warm smile on his face.
He noticed Tweek walking and waved to him, Tweek waved back, his small smiling growing a bit wider.
Soon, he saw Craig's house up ahead.
As he approached it, that's when the anxiety kicked in.
'Wait! This isn't a good idea! What was I thinking?! Gah! He's gonna hate me! This is too much pressure!'
He could feel his legs and hands begin to shake as he got a bit closer to the house.
'I can't do this! I can't do this! I should just turn ba- n-no! No more turning back, Tweek... y-you can do this..!'
He shut his eyes and took a few deep breaths before practically running up to the door and knocking on it quickly.
'Did I just do that? I just did that! Gah!'
The door opened a few moments later, revealing Ruby.
Before Tweek could speak, she gasped quietly and grabbed his arm, pulling him in and slamming the door, a goofy grin on her face.
"Uhh... nice to see you, too?" Tweek said nervously.
"Shh!" She put a finger to her lips.
She walked to the bottom of the stairs.
"CRAIGGGG!" She screamed, which caught Tweek off guard, making him jump a bit.
"What?" A voice, which was familiar to Tweek, yelled back.
"GET DOWN HERE!" She yelled excitedly.
"Ugh, what now? I'm busy, Ruby. I have a shit ton of homework and I need to-" Craig began rambling as he walked down the stairs, but stopped as he saw Tweek standing there, a warm but nervous smile on his face.
"Tweek..?" He seemed a bit shocked, he didn't expect Tweek to be there.
"Hey." Tweek said, placing a hand on the back of his neck.
Ruby looked at both of them back and forth, a wide smile on her face, trying to contain her excitement but failing.
"What are you doing here?" Craig asked, walking down the rest of the stairs and stopping at the bottom next to Ruby.
"I-I just wanted to... see you, I guess... I-I dunno... just some idea that popped into my head at some point..." Tweek explained, chuckling nervously.
He stared at the raven haired boy before him, and realized just how much he missed him.
He wanted to walk over to him and hug him, but he didn't know if he should or not.
"I'm gonna leave you two alone... for now." Ruby said, her smile turning into a smirk as she walked past Craig and up the stairs.
It was silent for a few moments before Craig spoke up.
"Tweek... I'm an asshole, and I'm sorry.. I know I had already said it back at the hospital but I don't think it sounded as sincere as I wanted it to..." he said, looking down to his feet.
Tweek took a step forward, wondering what to do or say.
He let Craig's apology replay in his mind a few times.
That one was the one that sounded most sincere.
That one made Tweek realize that Craig really was sorry and not just saying it because he has to, but because he wanted to.
After a few more seconds, Tweek approached him.
Craig looked up, confused, locking eyes with the blonde boy in front of him.
Tweek smiled and wrapped his arms around Craig's neck swiftly, nuzzling his face into his shoulder.
Craig was taken aback, but soon hugged Tweek back.
They pulled away after about a minute or so, though Tweek didn't want to.
"I-I'm uh... sorry, too. For what I did- er uh... tried to do..." Tweek said.
"Tweek, you don't need to apologize for that, it was my fault anyway." Craig said, placing a hand on Tweek's shoulder.
Tweek smiled up at him, then leaned in and connected their lips.
Craig's eyes widened a bit, but he soon kissed back as Tweek put his arms around his neck once more, Craig's hands soon trailing down to Tweek's hips.
"Get a room!" A sudden voice yelled from the top of the stairs.
"Gah!" Tweek screamed after he pulled away, they both turned their attention to where the voice came from.
Of course, it was Ruby.
Craig sighed and rolled his eyes while Ruby giggled, Tweek joining in soon after.
Tweek and Craig locked eyes once more, and Tweek said three words he had wanted to say to Craig for a while.
"I love you." He said with a warm smile, connecting their lips once again.


It was a year later, Tweek and Craig were still going strong.
They barely ever fought and when they did, they both apologized a while after, even if they were still being salty about it.
They usually have date nights every Tuesday and Thursday.
They'd go to restaurants, Starks Pond, the mall, it mostly depended on what they wanted to do that day.
Then, once they got back, they'd usually find Ruby and Karen curled up on the couch, passed out with the tv playing in the background, then they'd tease them about it in the morning.
Sometimes Craig's kind would wander to his dad, though he didn't care much about what his dad was up to anymore.
His dad had never come back, which wasn't really a bad thing.
Craig's mom eventually bought a new car, sense Thomas took theirs.
She was also trying to stop drinking, though it was really hard for her considering she had been doing it for so many years, but she realized it wasn't just hurting her, but her friends and family as well.
Though the past year was hard for them, they all knew one thing.
They were happy now.


Oh boy! The end of the story! I wanna thank each and every one of you for reading and voting, you have no idea how much it means to me. (Also, this book has over 3K reads I'm scREAMING-) when I first wrote this, I didn't expect it to have many reads at all. I didn't even expect anyone to read it, mostly because I thought everyone would think it was just some crappy creek ff and skip over it, but I guess y'all proved me wrong 🤣❤️ thank you all so so much for reading this, I hoped you enjoyed reading just as much as I enjoyed writing it. I love you all!
(Please excuse nay grammatical errors in this, I tried to make sure ether were none, but there's probably some that I missed x3)

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